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A friar who asks alms for God's sake begs for two. - [Charity] All just laws condemn cruelty. - [Cruelty] All must yield to the weight of years; conquest is not difficult for time. - [Time] At the morning hour, when the half-awakened sun, trampling down the lingering shadows of the west, spreads his ruby-tinted tresses over jessamines and roses, drying with cloths of gold Aurora's tears of mingled fire and snow, which the sun's rays converted into pearls. - [Morning] Great events have sent before them their announcements. - [Events] Grief has been compared to a hydra; for every one that dies, two are born. - [Grief] How surely a knowledge of the world hardens the heart! - [World] Its brightness, mighty divinity! has a fleeting empire over the day, giving gladness to the fields, color to the flowers, the season of the loves, harmonious hour of wakening birds. - [Morning] Never confide your secrets to paper; it is like throwing a stone in the air; and if you know who throws the stone, you do not know where it may fall. - [Secrecy] No virtue can be real that has not been tried. The gold in the crucible alone is perfect; the loadstone tests the steel, and the diamond is tried by the diamond, while metals gleam the brighter in the furnace. - [Virtue] The dower of great beauty has always been misfortune, since happiness and beauty do not agree together. - [Beauty] The fox is very cunning, but he is more cunning who catches the fox. - [Cunning] The heart is an astrologer that always divines the truth. - [Heart] The ultimate reason of kings. [War.] [Sp., Ultima razon de reges.] - [War] You lie--under a mistake-- For this is the most civil sort of lie That can be given to a man's face, I now Say what I think. - El Magico Prodigioso (sc. 1), translation by Shelley [Lying] They say that the best counsel is that of woman. [Sp., Dicen, que el primer consejo Ha de ser de la muger.] - El Medico de su Honra (I, 2) [Advice] A woman needs a stronger head than her own for counsel--she should marry. [Sp., Una muger no tiene. Valor para el consejo, y la conviene Casarse.] - El Purgatorio de Sans Patricio (III, 4) [Matrimony] Light-enchanted sunflower, thou Who gazest ever true and tender On the sun's revolving splendour. - Magico Prodigioso (sc. 3), (Shelley's translation) [Sunflowers] Restless sunflower; cease to move. - Magico Prodigioso (sc. 3), (Shelley's translation) [Sunflowers]
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