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All the world practices the art of acting. - [Acting] Almost the whole world are players. [Lat., Quod fere totus mundus exerceat histrionem.] - adapted from Fragments, no. 10 (ed. 1790), over the door of Shakespeare's theatre, The Globe, London, England [World] He is pepper, not a man. [Lat., Piper, non homo.] - [Man] I have cut my leg with my own adze. - [Proverbs] The mind still longs for what it has missed, and loses itself in the contemplation of the past. - [Proverbs] The pot boils badly. - [Proverbs] We are not more than a bubble. [Lat., Nos non pluris sumus quam bullae.] - 42 [Man] To strive with the winds. [Lat., Cum ventis litigare.] - 83 [Wind] Alas! worse every day! this colony grows backward like the tail of a calf. [Lat., Heu quotidie pejus! haec colonia retroversus crescit tanquam coda vituli.] - Cena (44) [Growth] A physician is nothing but a consoler of the mind. [Lat., Medicus nihil aliud est quam animi consolatio.] - Satyricon [Medicine] The mind wishes for what it has missed, and occupies itself with retrospective contemplation. [Lat., Animus quod perdidit optat, Atque in praeterita se totus imagine versat.] - Satyricon [Mind] Parents deserve reproof when they refuse to benefit their children by severe discipline. [Lat., Parentes objurgatione digni sunt, qui nolunt liberos suos severa lege proficere.] - Satyricon (IV) [Childhood] Beauty and wisdom are rarely conjoined. [Lat., Raram facit misturam cum sapientia forma.] - Satyricon (XCIV) [Beauty]
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