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Ambition aspires to descend. - [Ambition] Ambition becomes displeasing when it is once satiated; there is a reaction; and as our spirit, till our last sigh, is always aiming toward some object, it falls back on itself, having nothing else on which to rest; and having reached the summit, it longs to descend. - [Ambition] Every brave man is a man of his word; to such base vices he cannot stoop, and shuns more than death the shame of lying. - [Promises] Every moment of life is a step towards death. - [Death] Generosity is the accompaniment of high birth; pity and gratitude are its attendants. - [Generosity] He on whom heaven confers a sceptre knows not the weight till he bears it. - [Kings] He who has resolved to conquer or die is seldom conquered; such noble despair perishes with difficulty. - [Valor] Heaven often regulates effects by their causes, and pays the wicked what they have deserved. - [Retribution] I am young, it is true; but in noble souls valor does not wait for years. - [Youth] It is a law, of the gods which is never broken, to sell somewhat dearly the great benefits which they confer on us. - [Fortune] It is the guilt, not the scaffold, which constitutes the shame. - [Shame] Let us attend to the present, and as to the future we shall know how to manage when the occasion arrives. - [Present] Patience and time conquer all things. - [Endurance] The man who pardons easily courts injury. - [Pardon] The secret of giving affectionately is great and rare; it requires address to do it well; otherwise we lose instead of deriving benefit from it. This man gives lavishly in a way that obliges no one; the manner of giving is worth more than the gift. Another loses intentionally at a game, thus disguising his present; another forgets a jewel, which would have been refused as a gift. A generous booby seems to be giving alms to his mistress when he is making a present. - [Gifts] The wrinkles on his forehead are the marks which his mighty deeds have engraved there, and still indicate what he was in former days. - [Wrinkles] There are secret ties, there are sympathies, by the sweet relationship of which souls that are well matched attach themselves to each other, and are affected by I know not what, which cannot be explained. - [Sympathy] These flattering mirrors reflect imperfectly what is within; the countenance is often a gay deceiver. What defects of mind lie hidden under its beauty! What fair exteriors conceal base souls! - [Physiognomy] To win without risk is to triumph without glory. - [Risk] When a woman has the gift of silence she possesses a quality above the vulgar. It is a gift of Heaven seldom bestowed; without a little miracle it cannot be accomplished; and Nature suffers violence when Heaven puts a woman in the humor of observing silence. - [Silence] Who is all powerful should fear everything. - [Dictatorship] Who pardons easily invites offense. - [Pardon] He who is hated by all can not expect to live long. [Fr., Qui vit hai de tous ne saurait longtemps vivre.] - Cinna (I, 2) [Hatred] Clemency is the surest proof of a true monarch. [Fr., La clemence est la plus belle marque Qui fasse a l'univers connaitre un vrai monqrque.] - Cinna (IV, 4) [Royalty] He who forgives readily only invites offense. [Fr., Qui pardonne aisement invite a l'offenser.] - Cinna (IV, 4) [Forgiveness] Displaying page 1 of 2 for this author: Next >> [1] 2
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