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What is thine is mine, and all mine is thine. [Lat., Quod tuum'st meum'st; omne meum est autem tuum.] - Trinummus (II, 2, 47) [Friendship] If you spend a thing you can not have it. [Lat., Non tibi illud apparere si sumas potest.] - Trinummus (II, 4, 12) [Possession] "He wishes well" is worthless, unless the deed go with it. [Lat., Nequam illud verbum est, Bene vult, nisi qui benefacit.] - Trinummus (II, 4, 38) [Deeds] If you have overcome your inclination and not been overcome by it, you have reason to rejoice. [Lat., Tu si animum vicisti potius quam animus te est quod gaudias.] - Trinummus (II, 9) [Will] The Bell never rings of itself; unless some one handles or moves it it is dumb. [Lat., Nunquam aedepol temere tinniit tintinnabulum; Nisi quis illud tractat aut movet, mutum est, tacet.] - Trinummus (IV, 2, 162) [Bells] He is of the race of the mushroom; he covers himself altogether with his head. [Lat., Fungino genere est; capite se totum tegit.] - Trinummus (IV, 2, 9) [Growth : Mushrooms] What you lend is lost; when you ask for it back, you may find a friend made an enemy by your kindness. If you begin to press him further, you have the choice of two things--either to lose your loan or lose your friend. [Lat., Si quis mutuum quid dederit, sit pro proprio perditum; Cum repetas, inimicum amicum beneficio invenis tuo. Si mage exigere cupias, duarum rerum exoritur optio; Vel illud, quod credideris perdas, vel illum amicum, amiseris.] - Trinummus (IV, 3, 43) [Loss] Besides that, when elsewhere the harvest of wheat is most abundant, there it comes up less by one-fourth than what you have sowed. There, methinks, it were a proper place for men to sow their wild oats, where they would not spring up. [Lat., Post id, frumenti quum alibi messis maxima'st Tribus tantis illi minus reddit, quam obseveris. Heu! istic oportet obseri mores malos, Si in obserendo possint interfieri.] - Trinummus (IV, r, 128) [Growth : Oats : Wheat] Because those, who twit others with their faults, should look at home. [Lat., Quia, qui alterum incusat probi, eum ipsum se intueri oportet.] - Truculentus (I, 2, 58) [Faults] A woman finds it much easier to do ill than well. [Lat., Mulieri nimio male facere melius est onus, quam bene.] - Truculentus (II, 5, 17) [Women] One eye-witness is of more weight than ten hearsays. Those who hear, speak of shat they have heard; whose who see, know beyond mistake. [Lat., Pluris est oculatus testis unus, quam auriti decem. Qui audiunt, audita dicunt; qui vident, plane sciunt.] - Truculentus (II, 6, 8) [Eyes] Man's fortune is usually changed at once; life is changeable. [Lat., Actutum fortunae solent mutarier; varia vita est.] - Truculentus (II, I, 9) [Fortune] If you strike the goads with your fists, your hands suffer most. [Lat., Si stimulos pugnis caedis manibus plus dolet.] - Truculentus (IV, 2, 54) [Suffering] The stronger always succeeds. [Lat., Plus potest qui plus valet.] - Truculentus (IV, 3, 30) [Strength] Displaying page 8 of 8 for this author: << Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 [8]
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