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As a fresh wound shrinks from the hand of the surgeon, then gradually submits to and even calls for it; so a mind under the first impression of a misfortune shuns and rejects all comfort, but at length, if touched with tenderness, calmly and willingly resigns itself. - [Grief] Generosity, when once set going, knows not how to stop; as the more familiar we are with the lovely form, the more enamored we become of her charms. - [Generosity] History ought to be guided by strict truth; and worthy actions require nothing more. - [History] History, in whatever way it may be executed, is a great source of pleasure. - [History] It is to me a peculiarly noble work rescuing from oblivion those who deserve immortality, and extending their renown at the same time that we advance our own. - [Historians] Never do anything, concerning the rectitude of which you have a doubt. - [Doubt] No one has deceived the whole world, nor has the whole world ever deceived any one. - [Deceit] Prosperity tries the fortunate, adversity the great. - [Trials] In the pleading of cases nothing pleases so much as brevity. - Epistles (bk. I, 20) [Speech] And as in men's bodies, so in government, that disease is most serious which proceeds from the head. [Lat., Utque in corporibus, sic in imperio, gravissimus est morbus qui a capite diffunditur.] - Epistles (bk. IV, 22) [Disease] He has no fault except that he has no fault. [Lat., Nihil peccat, nisi quod nihil peccat.] - Epistles (bk. IX, 26) [Faults] Nevertheless it is allowed to poets to lie. (Poetical license.) [Lat., Tamen poetis mentiri licet.] - Epistles (bk. VI, 21) [Poets] Joking set aside. [Lat., Omissis jocis.] - Epistles (I, 21) [Jesting] For a dear bargain is always annoying, particularly on this account, that it is a reflection on the judgment of the buyer. [Lat., Nam mala emptio semper ingrata est, eo naxime, quod exprobrare stultitiam domino idetur.] - Epistles (I, 24) [Business] He died full of years and of honors, equally illustrious by those he refused as by those he accepted. [Lat., Et ille quidem plenus annis abiit, plenus honoribus, illis etiam quos recusavit.] - Epistles (II, 1) [Honor] An object in possession seldom retains the same charms which it had when it was longed for. [Lat., Nihil enim aeque gratum est adeptis, quam concupiscentibus.] - Epistles (II, 15) [Possession] Besides, as is usually the case, we are much more affected by the words which we hear, for though what you read in books may be more pointed, yet there is something in the voice, the look, the carriage, and even the gesture of the speaker, that makes a deeper impression upon the mind. [Lat., Praeterea multo magis, ut vulgo dicitur viva vox afficit: nam licet acriora sint, quae legas, ultius tamen in ammo sedent, quae pronuntiatio, vultus, habitus, gestus dicentis adfigit.] - Epistles (II, 3) [Oratory] For however often a man may receive an obligation from you, if you refuse a request, all former favors are effaced by this one denial. [Lat., Nam quamblibet saepe obligati, si quid unum neges, hoc solum meminerunt, quod negatum est.] - Epistles (III, 4) [Favors] A strong sense of injury often gives point to the expression of our feelings. [Lat., Plerumque dolor etiam venustos facit.] - Epistles (III, 9) [Injury] The erection of a monument is superfluous; the memory of us will last, if we have deserved it in our lives. [Lat., Impensa monumenti supervacua est: memoria nostra durabit, si vita meruimus.] - Epistles (IX, 19) [Memory] Our inquisitive disposition is excited by having its gratification deferred. [Lat., Incitantur enim homines ad agnoscenda quae differuntur.] - Epistles (IX, 27) [Curiosity] The longest day soon comes to an end. [Lat., Longissimus dies cito conditur.] - Epistles (IX, 36) [Day] O happy day, and one to be marked for me with the whitest of chalk. [Lat., O diem laetum, notandumque mihi candidissimo calculo.] - Epistles (VI, 11) [Day] The happier the time, the quicker it passes. [Lat., Tanto brevius omne, quanto felicius tempus.] - Epistles (VII, 14) [Time] When a man is laboring under the pain of any distemper, it is then that he recollects there are gods, and that he himself is but a man; no mortal is then the object of his envy, his admiration, or his contempt, and having no malice to gratify, the tales of slander excite not his attention. [Lat., Dum homo est infirmus, tunc deos, tunc hominem esse se meminit: invidet nemini, neminem miratur, neminem despicit, ac ne sermonibus quidem malignis aut attendit, aut alitur.] - Epistles (VII, 26) [Gods] Displaying page 1 of 2 for this author: Next >> [1] 2
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