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Advise well before you begin, and when you have maturely considered, then act with promptitude. - [Action : Advice] Advise well before you begin; and when you have decided, act promptly. - [Advice : Decision] But few prize honour more than money. - [Money : Proverbs] By the wicked the good conduct of others is always dreaded. - [Proverbs] Covetous of another man's, prodigal of his own. - [Proverbs] Deliberate before you begin; but, having carefully done so, execute with vigour. - [Proverbs] Eloquence enough, but little wisdom. - [Proverbs] Every man is the architect of his own fortune. - [Fortune] Fortune rules in all things, and advances and depresses things more out of her own will than right and justice. - [Fortune] He that will be angry for anything will be angry for nothing. - [Anger] In my opinion, he only may be truly said to live and enjoy his being who is engaged in some laudable pursuit, and acquires a name by some illustrious action, or useful art. - [Action] It is the nature of ambition to make men liars and cheats, and hide the truth in their breasts, and show, like jugglers, another thing in their mouths: to cut all friendships and enmities to the measure of their interest, and to make a good countenance without the help of a good will. - [Ambition] No grief reaches the dead. - [Grief] One can ever assume to be what he is not, and to conceal what he is. - [Proverbs] Small endeavours obtain strength by unity of action: the most powerful are broken down by discord. - [Proverbs] The blessings of health and fortune, as they have a beginning, so they must also have an end. Everything rises but to fall, and increases but to decay. - [Mutability] To have the same desires and the same aversion is assuredly a firm bond of friendship. - [Friendship] To have the same likes and dislikes, therein consists the firmest bond of friendship. - [Proverbs] To hope for safety in flight, when you have turned away from the enemy the arms by which the body is defended, is indeed madness. In battle those who are most afraid are always in most danger; but courage is equivalent to rampart. - [Courage] Necessity makes even the timid brave. [Lat., Necessitas etiam timidos fortes facit.] - Catilina (58) [Necessity] Get good counsel before you begin; and when you have decided, act promptly. [Lat., Prius quam incipias consulto, et ubi consulueris mature facto opus est.] - Catilina (I) [Action] The glory of riches and of beauty is frail and transitory; virtue remains bright and eternal. [Lat., Divitarum et formae gloria fluxa atque fragilis; virtus clara aeternaque habetur.] - Catilina (I) [Virtue] The very life which we enjoy is short. [Lat., Vita ipsa qua fruimur brevis est.] - Catilina (I) [Life] The man who is roused neither by glory nor by danger it is in vain to exhort; terror closes the ears of the mind. [Lat., Quem neque gloria neque pericula excitant, nequidquam hortere; timor animi auribus officit.] - Catilina (LVIII) [Fear] Covetous of the property of others and prodigal of his own. [Lat., Alieni appetens sui profusus.] - Catilina (V) [Covetousness] Displaying page 1 of 2 for this author: Next >> [1] 2
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