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Hard was their lodging, homely was their food, For all their luxury was doing good. - [Goodness] This hour they worship, and the next blaspheme. - [Worship] Whene'er he speaks, Heaven, how the list'ning throng Dwell on the melting music of his tongue! His arguments are emblems of his mien, Mild but not faint, and forcing, though serene: And when the power of eloquence he'd try, Here lightning strikes you, there soft breezes sigh. - [Eloquence] For all their luxury was doing good. - Cleremont (l. 149) [Goodness] Where billows never break, not tempests roar. - Dispensary (canto III, l. 226) [Heaven] Ingratitude's a weed of every clime, It thrives too fast at first, but fades in time. - Epistle to the Earl of Godolphin (l. 27) [Ingratitude] One doctor, singly like the sculler plies, The patient struggles, and by inches dies; But two physicians, like a pair of oars, Waft him right swiftly to the Stygian shores. - quoted by The Dispensary [Medicine] Dissensions, like small streams, are first begun, Scarce seen they rise, but gather as they run: So lines that from their parallel decline, More they proceed the more they still disjoin. - The Dispensary (canto III, l. 184) [Dissension : Quarrels] To die is landing on some silent shore, Where billows never break nor tempests roar; Ere well we feel the friendly stroke 'tis o'er. - The Dispensary (canto III, l. 225) [Death] As distant prospects please us, but when near We find but desert rocks and fleeting air. - The Dispensary (canto III, l. 27) [Disappointment : Nature] Eternal Spring, with smiling Verdue here Warms the mild Air, and crowns the youthful year. . . . . The Rose still blushes, and the vi'lets blow. - The Dispensary (canto IV, l. 298) [Spring]
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