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He that loves Christianity better than truth will soon love his own sect or party better than Christianity, and will end by loving himself better than all. - [Christianity] Health is a great blessing--competence obtained by honorable industry is a great blessing--and a great blessing it is to have kind, faithful, and loving friends and relatives; but, that the greatest of all blessings, as it is the most ennobling of all privileges, is to be indeed a Christian. - [Christian] Heart-chilling superstition! thou canst glaze even Pity's eye with her own frozen tear. - [Superstition] Hope's gentle gem, the sweet forget-me-not. - [Flowers] How did the atheist get his idea of that God whom he denies? - [God] How inimitably graceful children are before they learn to dance. - [Dancing] How strange and awful is the synthesis of life and death in the gusty winds and falling leaves of an autumnal day! - [Autumn] How well he fell asleep! Like some proud river, widening toward the sea; Calmly and grandly, silently and deep, Life joined eternity. - [Death] How wonderfully beautiful is the delineation of the characters of the three patriarchs in Genesis! To be sure if ever man could, without impropriety, be called, or supposed to be, "the friend of God," Abraham was that man. We are not surprised that Abimelech and Ephron seem to reverence him so profoundly. He was peaceful, because of his conscious relation to God. - [Character] However irregular and desultory his talk, there is method in the fragments. - [Talking] Humor is consistent with pathos, whilst wit is not. - [Wit] I believe that obstinacy, or the dread of control and discipline, arises not so much from self-willedness as from a conscious defect of voluntary power; as foolhardiness is not seldom the disguise of conscious timidity. - [Obstinacy] I feel as if God had, by giving the Sabbath, given fifty-two springs in every year. - [Sabbath] I have learned what a sin is against an infinite imperishable being, such as is the soul of man. - [Sin] I have never known a trader in philanthropy who was not wrong in his head or heart somewhere or other. - [Zeal] I have often thought what a melancholy world this would be without children, and what an inhuman world without the aged. - [Children] I have seen gross intolerance shown in support of tolerance. - [Intolerance] I never knew a trader in philanthropy who was not wrong in his head or heart somewhere or other. - [Philanthropy] I wish our clever young poets would remember my homely definitions of prose and poetry; that is, prose = words in their best order; poetry = the best words in the best order. - [Poetry] If a man is not rising upward to be an angel, depend upon it, he is sinking downward to be a devil. He cannot stop at the beast. - [Progress] If you are not a thinking man, to what purpose are you a man at all? - [Thought] If you wish to assured of the truth of Christianity, try it. Believe, and if thy belief be right, that insight which gradually transmutes faith into knowledge will be the reward of thy belief. - [Belief] In politics, what begins in fear usually ends in folly. - [Fear : Folly : Politics] In Shakespeare one sentence begets the next naturally; the meaning is all inwoven. He goes on kindling like a meteor through the dark atmosphere. - [Shakespeare] In what way, or by what manner of working, God changes a soul from evil to good, how He impregnates the barren rock--the priceless gems and gold--is to the human mind an impenetrable mystery, in all cases alike. - [Conversion] Displaying page 3 of 11 for this author: << Prev Next >> 1 2 [3] 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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