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Anger manages everything badly. - [Proverbs] Give time and permit a short delay, impetuosity ruins everything. - [Proverbs] It is an honourable thing to be merciful to the vanquished. - [Proverbs] Oh, how cowardly is wickedness always! - [Wickedness] Take time for deliberation. Haste spoils everything. - [Deliberation : Haste] Virtue may be cheerful without forgetting its dignity. - [Proverbs] Left behind as a memory for us. [Lat., Nobis meminisse relictum.] - Silvoe (bk. II, 1, 155) [Memory] A just fortune awaits the deserving. [Lat., Fors aequa merentes Respicit.] - Thebais (I, 661) [Fortune] Oh, the blind counsels of the guilty! Oh, how cowardly is wickedness always! [Lat., O caeca nocentum consilia! O semper timidum scelus!] - Thebais (II, 489) [Wickedness] Then fear, the very worst prophet in misfortunes, anticipates many evils. [Lat., Tunc plurima versat Pessimus in dubiis augur timor.] - Thebais (III, 5) [Fear] Man is not allowed to know what will happen to-morrow. [Lat., Quid crastina volveret aetas, Scire nefas homini.] - Thebais (III, 562) [Future] Fear in the world first created the gods. [Lat., Primus in orbe deos fecit timor.] - Thebais (III, 661) [Fear] It is noble to grant life to the vanquished. [Lat., Pulchrum est vitam donare minori.] - Thebais (VI, 816) [Mercy] Give not reins to your inflamed passions; take time and a little delay; impetuosity manages all things badly. [Lat., Ne frena animo permitte calenti; Da spatium, tenuemque moram; male cuncta ministrat Impetus.] - Thebais (X, 703) [Anger] They send their shout to the stars. [Lat., Clamorem ad sidera mittunt.] - Thebais (XII, 521) [Stars]
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