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A certain amount of distrust is wholesome, but not so much of others as of ourselves; neither vanity not conceit can exist in the same atmosphere with it. - [Distrust] A pure style in writing results from the rejection of everything superfluous. - [Style] A woman must be truly refined to incite chivalry in the heart of a man. - [Refinement] As the blush is the signal of innocence, so is serenity of manner the token of a quiet conscience. - [Conscience] Behavior is the theory of manners practically applied. - [Behavior] Blushes are the rainbow of modesty. - [Blushes] Custom is the tyranny of the lower human faculties over the higher. - [Custom] Diffidence is not always innocence. - [Diffidence] Dignity and love do not blend. - [Dignity] Elegance is exquisite polish. - [Elegance] Every one speaks of it,--who has known it? - [Bliss] Fiction is a potent agent for good--in the hands of the good. - [Novels] For the honest people, relations increase with the years. For the vicious, inconveniences increase. Inconstancy is the defect of vice; the influence of habit is one of the qualities of virtue. - [Habit] Gallantry thrives most in the atmosphere of the court. - [Gallantry] How immense appear to us the sins that we have not committed. - [Prejudice : Sin] In looking around me seeking for miserable resources against the heaviness of time, I open a book and I say to myself, as the cat to the fox: I have only one good turn, but I need no other. - [Books] Indulgence, twin sister of guilt. - [Indulgence] Innocence and mystery never dwell long together. - [Innocence] It is never permissible to say, I say. - [Egotism] It is often a sign of wit not to show it, and not to see that others want it. - [Wit] It were no virtue to bear calamities if we did not feel them. - [Resignation] Love is the only possession which we can carry with us beyond the grave. - [Love] Love is the pass-key to the heart. - [Heart] Make your best thoughts into action. - [Thought] Obligation is the bitterest thraldom. - [Obligation] Displaying page 1 of 2 for this author: Next >> [1] 2
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