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Amiability is very often a weakness, but the most unobjectionable one as a rule. - [Amiability] Architecture is the printing-press of all ages, and gives a history of the state of the society in which it was erected, from the cromlech of the Druids to those toy-shops of royal bad taste.--Carlton House and the Brighton Pavilion. The Tower and Westminster Abbey are glorious pages in the history of time, and tell the story of an iron despotism, and the cowardice of unlimited power. - [Architecture] It is quite deplorable to see how many rational creatures, or at least who are thought so, mistake suffering for sanctity, and think a sad face and a gloomy habit of mind propitious offerings to that Deity whose works are all light and lustre and harmony and loveliness. - [Sadness] Nothing's new, and nothing's true, and nothing matters. - attributed to [Nothingness] Race and temperament go for much in influencing opinion. - [Ingratitude] The influence of woman will ever be exercised directly in all good or evil. Give her, then, such light as she is capable of receiving. - [Ingratitude] Vulgarity is setting store by the things which are seen. - [Vulgarity]
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