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A great school is very trying; it never can present images of rest and peace. - [Schools] Begin by regarding every thing from a moral point of view, and you will end by believing in God. - [Belief] I consider beyond all wealth, honor, or even health, is the attachment due to noble souls; because to become one with the good, generous, and true, is to be, in a manner, good, generous, and true yourself. - [Friends] If there be one thing on earth which is truly admirable, it is to see God's wisdom blessing an inferiority of natural powers, where they have been honestly, truly, and zealously cultivated. - [Perseverance] Intellectually the difficulties of unbelief are as great as those of belief, while morally the argument is wholly on the side of belief. - [Belief] Might but the sense of moral evil be as strong in me as is my delight in external beauty! - [Beauty] One's age should be tranquil, as one's childhood should be playful; hard work, at either extremity of human existence, seems to me out of place; the morning and the evening should be alike cool and peaceful; at midday the sun may burn, and men may labor under it. - [Age] Our first impressions are to consider the Ascension of our Lord as the very greatest event connected with His appearance on earth. To our own mind, undoubtedly, nothing could be so solemn, so exalting, as the changing this life for another; the putting off mortality and putting on immortality; and all this we connect with the thought of the removal from earth to heaven. - [Ascension Day] Real knowledge, like every thing else of the highest value, is not to be obtained easily. It must be worked for,--studied for,--thought for,--and, more than all, it must be prayed for. - [Knowledge] The distinction between Christianity and all other systems of religion consists largely in this, that in these others men are found seeking after God, while Christianity is God seeking after man. - [Christianity]
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