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He calls the gods to arms. [Lat., Vocat in certamina Divos.] - The Aeneid (VI, 172) [Gods] Hence, far hence, ye vulgar herd! [Lat., Procul O procul este profani.] - The Aeneid (VI, 258) [Hatred] Easy is the descent to Lake Avernus (mouth of Hades); night and day the gate of gloomy Dis (god of Hades) is open; but to retrace one's steps, and escape to the upper air, this indeed is a task; this indeed is a toil. [Lat., Facilis descensus Averno est; Noctes atque dies patet atri janua Ditis; Sed revocate gradum, superasque evadere ad auras, Hoc opus, hic labor est.] - The Aeneid (VI, 26) [Hell] Hunger that persuades to evil. [Lat., Malesuada fames.] - The Aeneid (VI, 276) [Hunger] Cease to think that the decrees of the gods can be changed by prayers. [Lat., Desine fata deum flecti sperare precando.] - The Aeneid (VI, 376) [Prayer] The wave from which there is no return [the river Styx]. [Lat., Irreameabilis unda.] - The Aeneid (VI, 425) [Death] Sweet and deep repose, very much resembling quiet death. [Lat., Dulcis et alta quies, placidaeque simillima morti.] - The Aeneid (VI, 522) [Repose] Being admonished, learn justice and despise not the gods. - The Aeneid (VI, 620) [Justice] These who have ensured their remembrance by their deserts. [Lat., Quique sui memores alios fecere merendo.] - The Aeneid (VI, 664) [Memory] Mind moves matter. [Lat., Mens agitat molem.] - The Aeneid (VI, 727) [Mind] We bear each one our own destiny. [Lat., Quisque suos patimur manes.] - The Aeneid (VI, 743) [Destiny] This shall be thy work: to improve conditions of peace, to spare the lowly, and to overthrow the proud. [Lat., Hae tibi erunt artes, pacisque imponere morem Parcere subjectis et debellare superbos.] - The Aeneid (VI, 852) [Government] Yield not to misfortunes, but advance all the more boldly against them. [Lat., Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito.] - The Aeneid (VI, 95) [Misfortune] The presiding genius of the place. [Lat., Genius loci.] - The Aeneid (VII, 136) [Genius] If I can not influence the gods, I shall move all hell. [Lat., Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo.] - The Aeneid (VII, 312) [Power] The love of arms and the mad wickedness of war are raging. [Lat., Saevit amor ferri et scelerata insania belli.] - The Aeneid (VII, 461) [War] Fear gave wings to his feet. [Lat., Pedibus timor addidit alas.] - The Aeneid (VIII, 224) [Fear] The rumor forthwith flies abroad, dispersed throughout the small town. [Lat., Fama volat parvam subito vulgata per urbem.] - The Aeneid (VIII, 554) [Rumor] Fate will find a way. [Lat., Fata viam invenient.] - The Aeneid (X, 113) [Fate] Fortune helps the bold. [Lat., Audentes fortuna juvat.] - The Aeneid (X, 284) [Fortune] Fortune favours the daring. [Lat., Audentes fortuna juvat.] - The Aeneid (X, 284 and 458) [Bravery] Such hopes I had while fortune was kind. [Lat., Speravimus ista Dum fortuna fuit.] - The Aeneid (X, 42) [Hope] Every man has his appointed day; life is brief and irrevocable; but it is the work of virtue to extend our fame by our deeds. [Lat., Stat sua cuique dies; breve et irreparabile tempus Omnibus est vitae; set famam extendere factis Hoc virtutis opus.] - The Aeneid (X, 467) [Virtue] The mind of man is ignorant of fate and future destiny, and can not keep within due bounds when elated by prosperity. [Lat., Nescia mens hominum fati sortisque futurae, Et servare modum, rebus sublata secundis.] - The Aeneid (X, 501) [Mind] They attack this one man with their hate and their shower of weapons. But he is like some rock which stretches into the vast sea and which, exposed to the fury of the winds and beaten against by the waves, endures all the violence and threats of heaven and sea, himself standing unmoved. [Lat., Uni odiisque viro telisque frequentibus instant. Ille velut rupes vastum quae prodit in aequor, Obvia ventorum furiis, expostaque ponto, Vim cunctam atque minas perfert coelique marisque, Ipsa immota manens.] - The Aeneid (X, 692) [Character] Displaying page 9 of 10 for this author: << Prev Next >> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [9] 10
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