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A bachelor is a guy who never made the same mistake once. - [Bachelors] Beware what spirit rages in your breast; for one inspired, ten thousand are possessed. - [Spirits] Choose an author as you choose a friend. - [Authors] Clouds dissolved the thirsty ground supply. - [Rain] Constant quiet fills my peaceful breast with unmixed joy. - [Solitude] Grief dejects and wrings the tortured soul. - [Soul] Immodest words admit of no defence, For want of decency is want of sense. - [Words] Invention is not so much the result of labor as of judgment. - [Invention] Let us not write at a loose rambling rate, in hope the world will wink at all our faults. - [Style] Often try what weight you can support, And what your shoulders are too weak to bear. - [Exercise] Our heroes of the former days deserved and gained their never-fading bays. - [Heroes] Praise Him, each savage furious beast That on His stores do daily feast; And you tame slaves, of the laborious plough, Your weary knees to your Creator bow. - [Worship] Pride, of all others the most dangerous fault, Proceeds from want of sense, or want of thought. - [Pride] Sound judgment is the ground of writing well. - [Authorship] Those things which now seem frivolous and slight, Will be of serious consequence to you, When they have made you once ridiculous. - [Error] True friends appear less moved than counterfeit. - [Friends] Truth and fiction are so aptly mixed that all seems uniform and of a piece. - [Fiction] Want of decency is want of sense. - [Decency] We weep and laugh, as we see others do. - [Weeping] What you keep by you, you may change and mend; But words once spoke can never be recall'd. - [Proverbs : Talking : Words] Whatsoever contradicts my sense, I hate to see, and never can believe. - [Sense] Words are like leaves; some wither every year, and every year a younger race succeed. - [Words] You gain your point if your industrious art can make unusual words easy. - [Style] You must not think that a satiric style allows of scandalous and brutish words; the better sort abhor scurrility. - [Satire] The first great work (a task performed by few) Is that yourself may to yourself be true. - An Essay on Translated Verses (l. 71) [Truth] Displaying page 1 of 2 for this author: Next >> [1] 2
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