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Be not served with kinsman, or friends, or men intreated to stay; for they expect much, and do little; nor with such as are amorous, for their heads are intoxicated; and keep rather too few, than one too many. - [Servants] Beware of suretyship for thy best friend. He that payeth another man's debt seeketh his own decay. But if thou canst not otherwise choose, rather lend thy money thyself upon good bonds, although thou borrow it; so shalt thou secure thyself, and pleasure thy friend. - [Surety] Dashing in big drops on the narrow pane, And making mournful music for the mind, While plays his interlude the wizzard wind, I hear the singing of the frequent rain. - [Rain] Eloquence is vehement simplicity. - [Eloquence] I have seen many so prone to quip and gird, as they would rather lose their friend than their jest. And if perchance their boiling brain yield a quaint scoff, they will travail to be delivered of it, as a woman with child. These nimble fancies are but the froth of wit. - [Wit] Marry your daughters betimes, lest they marry themselves. - [Daughters] Never trust anybody not of sound religion, for he that is false to God can never be true to man. - [Religion] Still on--as silent as a ghost! Seems but a score of days, all told, Or but a month or two at most, Since our last New Year's song we trolled. And lo! that New Year now is Old. And here we stand to say "Good-by!" Brief words--any yet, we scarce know why, They bring a moisture to the eye, And to the heart some quakes and aches; We speak them very tenderly, With half a sob and half a sigh-- "Old Year, good-by!" "Old Year, good-by!" - [Old Year] There are zealots for slavery as well as zealots for freedom. - [Zeal] Trust not any man with thy life, credit, or estate. For it is mere folly for a man to enthrall himself to his friend, as though, occasion being offered, he should not dare to become an enemy. - [Trust] Look up! the wide extended plain Is billowy with its ripened grain, And on the summer winds are rolled Its waves of emerald and gold. - The Harvest Call (st. 5) [Agriculture] Stretches, for leagues and leagues, the Wire, A hidden path for a Child of Fire-- Over its silent spaces sent, Swifter than Ariel ever went, From continent to continent. - The Rhyme of the Cable [Electricity] Yet all how beautiful! Pillars of pearl Propping the cliffs above, stalactites bright From the ice roof depending; and beneath, Grottoes and temples with their crystal spires And gleaming columns radiant in the sun. - Winter [Winter]
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