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Enthusiasm for a cause sometimes warps judgment. - [Enthusiasm] Failure to accord credit to anyone for what he may have done is a great weakness in any man. - [Praise] Rules of conduct which govern men in their relations to one another are being applied in an ever-increasing degree to nations. The battlefield as a place of settlement of disputes is gradually yielding to arbitral courts of justice. - Dawn of World Peace, in U.S. Bureau of Education Bulletin, no. 8 [World Peace] The development of the doctrine of international arbitration, considered from the standpoint of its ultimate benefits to the human race, is the most vital movement of modern times. In its relation to the well-being of the men and women of this and ensuing generations, it exceeds in importance the proper solution of various economic problems which are constant themes of legislative discussion and enactment. - Dawn of World Peace, in U.S. Bureau of Education Bulletin, no. 8 [World Peace]
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