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A man may read the figure on the dial, but be cannot tell how the day goes unless the sun shines on the dial; we may read the Bible over, but we cannot learn to purpose till the Spirit of God shine into our hearts. - [Bible] Faith is the vital artery of the soul. When we begin to believe, we begin to love. Faith grafts the soul into Christ, as the scion into the stock, and fetches all its nutriment from the blessed Vine. - [Faith in Christ] Faith, though it hath sometimes a trembling hand, it must not have a withered hand, but must stretch. - [Faith] If one could look a while through the chinks of heaven's door, and see the beauty and bliss of paradise; if he could but lay his ear to heaven, and hear the ravishing music of those seraphic spirits, and the anthems of praise which they sing, how would his soul be exhilarated and transported with joy. - [Heaven] The Scripture is to be its own interpreter, or rather the Spirit speaking in it; nothing can cut the diamond but the diamond; nothing can interpret Scripture but Scripture. - [Bible] The sense of right. - [Conscience] The weakest believer is a member of Christ as well as the strongest; and the weakest member of the body mystically shall not perish. Christ will cut off rotten members, but not weak members. - [Christian] His friends he loved. His direst earthly foes-- Cats--I believe he did but feign to hate. My hand will miss the insinuated nose, Mine eyes the tail that wagged contempt at Fate. - An Epitaph [Cats : Epitaphs] April, April, Laugh thy girlish laughter, Then, the moment after, Weep thy girlish tears! - April [April] Yet I know that I dwell in the midst of the roar of the Cosmic Wheel In the hold collision of Forces, and the clangor of boundless Strife, Mid the sound of the speed of worlds, the rushing worlds, and the peal Of the thunder of Life. - Dawn on the Headland [Life] God on his throne is Eldest of Poets, Unto His measures Moveth the Whole. - England, My Mother (pt. II) [God : Poets] He saw wan Woman toil with famished eyes; He saw her bound, and strove to sing her free. He saw her fall'n; and wrote "The Bridge of Sighs"; And on it crossed to immortality. - Hood [Poets] When, upon orchard and lane, breaks the white foam of the Spring When, in extravagant revel, the Dawn, a Bacchante upleaping, Spills, on the tresses of Night, vintages golden and red When, as a token at parting, munificent Day for remembrance, Gives, unto men that forget, Ophirs of fabulous ore. - Hymn to the Sea (pt. III, 12) [Night] Threadbare his songs seem now, to lettered ken: They were worn threadbare next the hearts of men. - Longfellow [Poets] Too long, that some may rest, Tired millions toil unblest. - New National Anthem [Labor : Work] What is so sweet and dear As a prosperous morn in May, The confidant prime of the day, And the dauntless youth of the year, When nothing that asks for bliss, Asking aright, is denied, And half of the world a bridegroom is ANd half of the world a bride? - Ode in May [May] You phrase tormenting fantastic chorus, With strangest words at your beck and call. - Orgy on Parnassus [Words] But when dread Sloth, the Mother of Doom, steals in, And reigns where Labour's glory was to serve, Then is the day of crumbling not far off. - The Mother of Doom [Work] Lord of the golden tongue and smiting eyes; Great out of season and untimely wise: A man whose virtue, genius, grandeur, worth, Wrought deadlier ill than ages can undo. - The Political Luminary [Character] A dreamer of the common dreams, A fisher in familiar streams, He chased the transitory gleams That all pursue; But on his lips the eternal themes Again were new. - The Tomb of Burns [Poets] The God I know of, I shall ne'er Know, though he dwells exceeding nigh. Raise thou the stone and find me there, Cleave thou the wood and there am I. Yea, in my flesh his spirit doth flow, Too near, too far, for me to know. - The Unknown God [God] The thirst to know and understand, A large and liberal discontent; These are the goods in life's rich hand, The things that are more excellent. - Things That Are More Excellent (st. 8) [Discontent] And must I wholly banish hence These red and golden juices, And pay my vows to Abstinence, That pallidest of Muses? - To a Maiden who bade me shun Wine [Wine and Spirits] We do not with God's name make wanton play; We are not on such easy terms with Heaven; But in Earth's hearing we can verily say, "Our hands are pure; for peace, for peace we have striven," And not by Earth shall he be soon forgiven Who lit the fire accurst that flames to-day. - To the Troubler of the World [War] (He) set his heart upon the goal, Not on the prize. - Tribute to Matthew Arnold, in the "Spectator", Aug. 30, 1890 [Success] Displaying page 1 of 2 for this author: Next >> [1] 2
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