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A man's rootage is more important than his leafage. - [Ancestry] America cannot be an ostrich with its head in the sand. - [America : Isolationism] America lives in the heart of every man everywhere who wishes to find a region where he will be free to work out his destiny as he chooses. - [America] Every one at the bottom of his heart cherishes vanity; even the toad thinks himself good-looking,--"rather tawny perhaps, but look at his eye!" - [Vanity] For the interesting and inspiring thing about America, gentlemen, is that she asks nothing for herself except what she has a right to ask for humanity itself. - in a speech at the luncheon of the Mayor of New York [Humanity] Freedom exists only where the people take care of the government. - at the Workingman's Dinner in New York [Freedom] Hunger does not breed reform; it breeds madness, and all the ugly distempers that make an ordered life impossible. - [Hunger] I am the friend of peace and mean to preserve it for America so long as I am able. . . . No course of my choosing or of their (nations at war) will lead to war. War can come only by the wilful acts and aggressions of others. - in an address to Congress [War] I believe in Democracy because it releases the energies of every human being. - at the Workingman's Dinner in New York [Democracy] I can predict with absolute certainty that within another generation there will be another world war if the nations of the world do not concert the method by which to prevent it. - [War] I fancy that it is just as hard to do your duty when men are sneering at you as when they are shooting at you. - [Duty] I would never read a book if it were possible for me to talk half an hour with the man who wrote it. - [Books] If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience. - [Conscience] It is not an army that we must train for war; it is a nation. - in a speech at dedication of a Red Cross building [War] It must be a peace without victory. . . . Victory would mean peace forced upon the loser; a victor's terms imposed upon the vanquished. It would be accepted in humiliation, under duress, at an intolerable sacrifice, and would leave a sting, a resentment, a bitter memory upon which terms of peace would rest, not permanently, but only as upon quicksand. Only a peace between equals can last: only a peace, the very principle of which is equality, and a common participation in a common benefit. - in an address to the U.S. Senate [Victory] Just what is it that America stands for? If she stands for one thing more than another, it is for the sovereignty of self-governing people, and her example, her assistance, her encouragement, has thrilled two continents in this western world with all those fine impulses which have built up human liberty on sides of the water. She stands, therefore, as an example of independence, as an example of free institutions, and as an example of disinterested international action in the main tenets of justice. - in a speech at Pittsburgh [America] No man ever saw the people of whom he forms a part. No man ever saw a government. I live in the midst of the Government of the United States, but I never saw the Government of the United States. Its personnel extends through all the nations, and across the seas, and into every corner of the world in the persons of the representatives of the United States in foreign capitals and in foreign centres of commerce. - in a speech at Pittsburgh [Government] No man that does not see visions will ever realize any high hope or undertake any high enterprise. - [Vision] No nation is fit to sit in judgment upon any other nation. - [Nation] Nothing was ever done so systematically as nothing is being done now. - [Nothingness] One cool judgment is worth a thousand hasty councils. The thing to do is to supply light and not heat. Ay any rate, if it is heat it ought to be white heat and not sputter, because sputtering heat is apt to spread the fire. There ought, if there is any heat at all, to be that warmth of the heart which makes every man thrust aside his own personal feeling, his own personal interest, and take thought of the welfare and benefit of others. - in a speech at Pittsburgh [Judgment] Only free peoples can hold their purpose and their honor steady to a common end, and prefer the interests of mankind to any narrow interest of their own. - in an address to Congress on war being declared with Germany [Freedom] Our object now, as then, is to vindicate the principles of peace and justice in the life of the world as against selfish and autocratic power, and to set up among the really free and self governed peoples of the world such a concert of purpose and of action as will henceforth insure the observance of those principles. - in a address to Congress on war being declared with Germany [Freedom] Politics I conceive to be nothing more that the science of the ordered progress of society along the lines of greatest usefulness and convenience to itself. - to the Pan-American Scientific Congress, Washington [Politics] Provision for others is a fundamental responsibility of human life. - [Assistance] Displaying page 1 of 2 for this author: Next >> [1] 2
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