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Leonor Jean Allainval, French dramatic poet (c. 1700 - 1753) Daniel Bernoulli, Dutch mathematician (1700 - 1782) READ QUOTES (1) Mary Granville Pendarves Delany, English letter writer and diarist (1700 - 1788) READ QUOTES (1) John Dyer, Welsh clergyman and poet (1700? - 1758) READ QUOTES (9) William Ellis, English agricultural writer (1700? - 1758) Lord Charles Hay, English major-general (? - 1760) Lady Hervey of Ickworth (Mary Lepell), English wife of John Hervey (1700 - 1768) READ QUOTES (1) Charles Jennens of Gopsall, English nonjuror and composer of words for Handel's oratorio (1700 - 1773) READ QUOTES (1) Mary Lepell, Lady Hervey of Ickworth, English wife of John Hervey (1700 - 1768) Thomas Mole, English clergyman (? - c. 1780) Abbe de Rochebrune, French clergyman and author (fl. 1740) READ QUOTES (3) Jeremiah Seed, English divine (1700 - 1747) READ QUOTES (3) James Thomson (1), Scottish poet (1700 - 1748) READ QUOTES (225) Geraard Van Swieten, Dutch physician (1700 - 1772) Thomas Adam, English clergyman (1701 - 1784) READ QUOTES (4) Alexander Cruden ("Alexander the Corrector"), Scottish bookseller and writer of Bible concordance (1701 - 1770) READ QUOTES (1) Selina Hastings, Countess of Huntingdon, English religious leader, "Queen of the Methodists" (1701 - 1791) READ QUOTES (1) Jean-Baptiste Sauve de la Noue, French actor and playwright (1701 - 1760) READ QUOTES (1) Murdoch McLennan, Scottish clergyman and poet (1701 - 1783) READ QUOTES (1) Philip Doddridge, English clergyman and theological writer (1702 - 1751) READ QUOTES (3) Robert Nugent, Earl Nugent (assumed surname Craggs), English politician and poet (1702 - 1788) Anne Gabriel M. de Querlon, French journalist and satirical writer (1702 - 1780) READ QUOTES (1) Benjamin Stillingfleet, English naturalist and writer (1702 - 1771) READ QUOTES (13) Louis de Beaufort, French historian (1703 - 1795) READ QUOTES (1) Francois Boucher, French painter, engraver and tapestry designer (1703 - 1770) Robert Dodsley, English bookseller, dramatist, editor and author (1703 - 1764) READ QUOTES (1) Jonathan Edwards, American clergyman and philosopher (1703 - 1757) READ QUOTES (15) Marie Leszczynska (a/k/a Maria Karolina Leszczynska) (Leszcsinski), French queen, wife of Louis XV (1703 - 1768) READ QUOTES (2) Dr. Thomas Morell, English scholar, critic and librettist (1703 - 1784) READ QUOTES (1) John Wesley, English preacher (1703 - 1791) READ QUOTES (12) Gilbert West, English miscellaneous writer (1703 - 1756) READ QUOTES (1) Jean Baptiste de Boyer, Marquis d'Argens, French writer (1704 - 1771) READ QUOTES (1) Thomas Broughton, English clergyman, biographer and miscellaneous writer (1704 - 1774) READ QUOTES (1) John Chapman (1), English clergyman (1704 - 1784) Charles Pineau Duclos, French author (1704 - 1772) READ QUOTES (7) William Hamilton (1), Scottish poet (1704 - 1754) Soame Jenkyns (Jenyns), English poet and writer (1704 - 1787) READ QUOTES (3) Maurice Quentin de Latour, French painter (1704 - 1788) Samuel Pegge, the Elder, English antiquary (1704 - 1796) READ QUOTES (1) Isaac Hawkins Browne, English poet and wit (1705 - 1760) READ QUOTES (1) Nathaniel Cotton, English poet and physician (1705 - 1788) READ QUOTES (11) Henry Fox, 1st Baron Holland, English statesman (1705 - 1774) David Mallet (originally Malloch), Scottish poet (c. 1705 - 1765) READ QUOTES (15) William Murray, 1st Earl of Mansfield, English judge (1705 - 1793) Thomas Scott (2), English divine and hymn writer (1705 - 1775) Abraham Tucker, English philosopher and moralist (1705 - 1774) READ QUOTES (1) Alexander Boswell, Lord Auchinleck, Scottish judge (1706 - 1782) Henry Brooke, Irish political and miscellaneous writer (1706 - 1783) READ QUOTES (11) Pope Clement II, Roman (Saxon-born) pope (fl. 1046) Benjamin Franklin, American philosopher and statesman (1706 - 1790) READ QUOTES (271) CHECK READING LIST (2) Joseph Green, American merchant and satirical writer (1706 - 1780) John Mason, English divine and devotional writer (1706 - 1763) READ QUOTES (9) James Miller, English playwright (1706 - 1744) READ QUOTES (2) James Ray, English chronicler and historian (fl. 1746) READ QUOTES (1) Bernard Joseph Saurin, French dramatist (1706 - 1781) READ QUOTES (4) John Boyle, 5th Earl of Cork, 5th Earl of Orrery, 2nd Baron Marston, Irish writer and translator (1707 - 1762) George-Louis Leclerc de Buffon, French naturalist (1707 - 1788) READ QUOTES (9) Henry Fielding, English novelist (1707 - 1754) READ QUOTES (139) CHECK READING LIST (2) Hannah Glasse, English writer on cookery (fl. 1747) READ QUOTES (1) Carlo Goldoni, Italian writer of comedies (1707 - 1793) READ QUOTES (9) Carl Linnaeus (Carolus Linnaeus), Swedish botanist (1707 - 1778) READ QUOTES (2) Philip Skelton, Irish divine (1707 - 1787) Louis-Michel Vanloo, French painter (1707 - 1771) Charles Wesley (1), English clergyman, poet and hymn writer (1707 - 1788) READ QUOTES (12) Samuel Boyse, British writer (1708 - 1749) READ QUOTES (2) Rev. Philip Francis (1), Irish translator (c. 1708 - 1773) READ QUOTES (2) Albert von Haller, Swiss physiologist, botanist and poet (1708 - 1777) READ QUOTES (1) William Pitt, 1st Earl of Chatham, English statesman and orator (1708 - 1778) READ QUOTES (18) Thomas Seward, English poet (1708 - 1790) READ QUOTES (1) John Armstrong, Scottish poet and physician (1709 - 1799) READ QUOTES (24) John Bancks (Banks), English miscellaneous writer (1709 - 1751) READ QUOTES (1) Subhadra Bhikshu, Indian philosopher (1709 - 1761) Sir John Eardley-Wilmot, English jurist (1709 - 1792) Jean Baptiste Louis de Gresset, French poet (1709 - 1777) READ QUOTES (1) Walter Harte, English poet and historian (1709 - 1774) READ QUOTES (4) Samuel Johnson (a/k/a Dr. Johnson) ("The Great Cham of Literature"), English author and lexicographer (1709 - 1784) READ QUOTES (917) CHECK READING LIST (5) Lord George Lyttelton, 1st Baron Lyttelton ("The Good Lord Lyttelton"), English poet, author and statesman (1709 - 1773) READ QUOTES (22) Jean Adam, Scottish poet (1710 - 1765) Thomas Augustine Arne, English musician and composer (1710 - 1778) READ QUOTES (1) John Cleland, English writer (1710 - 1789) READ QUOTES (1) Charles Wyndham, Earl of Egremont, English statesman (1710 - 1763) Charles Simon Favart, French dramatist and writer (1710 - 1792) READ QUOTES (2) James Hammond (1), English poet (1710 - 1742) Stephen Harvey, English classical scholar and translator (fl. 1750) READ QUOTES (1) William Havard, English actor and dramatist (1710? - 1778) READ QUOTES (20) Samuel Howard, English organist and musical composer (1710 - 1782) READ QUOTES (2) Louis XV, French king (1710 - 1774) READ QUOTES (1) Robert Lowth (Louth), English bishop, writer and scholar (1710 - 1787) READ QUOTES (3) William Melmoth ("Sir Thomas Fitzosborne"), English author (1710 - 1799) READ QUOTES (6) Thomas Reid, English philosopher (1710 - 1796) READ QUOTES (1) Samuel Salter, English divine (1710 - 1778) READ QUOTES (1) John Sergeant, American missionary and author (1710 - 1749) George Alexander Stevens, English dramatist and actor (1710 - 1784) READ QUOTES (1) Paul Whitehead, English satiric poet (1710 - 1774) READ QUOTES (1) Charles Wyndham, Earl of Egremont, English statesman (1710 - 1763) READ QUOTES (1) Julius Bate, English divine (1711 - 1771) Arthur Devis, English painter (1711 - 1787) Lewis Duncombe, English writer and translator of "De Minimis Maxima" (1711 - 1730) READ QUOTES (1) Oliver Edwards, English lawyer (1711 - 1791) David Hume, Scottish philosopher and historian (1711 - 1776) READ QUOTES (74) CHECK READING LIST (3) Henry Taylor (1), English theological writer (1711 - 1785) Josiah Tucker, English political writer and clergyman (1711 - 1799) READ QUOTES (1) Frederick, the Great (Frederick II), Prussian king of Prussia (1740-1786), military genius and literary patron (1712 - 1786) READ QUOTES (11) Richard Glover, English poet (1712 - 1785) READ QUOTES (1) Vincent de Gournay, French minister of commerce, precursor of physiocrats and Adam Smith (1712 - 1759) James Hanway, English merchant (1712 - 1786) READ QUOTES (1) Edward Moore, English fabulist, dramatist and litterateur (1712 - 1757) READ QUOTES (11) Michel Barthelemy Ollivier, French painter and engraver (1712 - 1784) Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Swiss philosopher and writer (1712 - 1778) READ QUOTES (97) CHECK READING LIST (5) Jacques Antoine de Salle, French jurist (1712 - 1778) Edward Capell, English critic (1713 - 1781) Alicia (Alison or Alice) Cockburn (Cokburne) (nee Rutherford), Scottish poet (1713 - 1794) Denis Diderot, French editor, writer and philosopher (1713 - 1784) READ QUOTES (30) CHECK READING LIST (1) James Fraser (1), English writer and collector of Oriental manuscripts (1713 - 1754) Edward Wortley Montagu, English author and traveler (1713 - 1776) READ QUOTES (1) Allan Ramsay (2), Scottish painter (1713 - 1784) Abbe Guillaume Thomas Francois Raynal, French Jesuit, philosopher and historian (1713 - 1796) READ QUOTES (5) Laurence Sterne, Irish humorous and novelist (1713 - 1768) READ QUOTES (119) CHECK READING LIST (2) John Berthelson, English lexicographer (fl. 1754) James Burgh, Scottish author (1714 - 1775) READ QUOTES (1) James Burnet, Lord Monboddo, Scottish lawyer and originator of the monkey theory (1714 - 1779) Jean Baptiste Descamps, French painter and writer (1714 - 1791) Christoph Willibald Gluck, German musician and composer (1714 - 1803) READ QUOTES (1) James Hervey, English devotional writer (1714 - 1758) READ QUOTES (8) Kane O'Hara, Irish dramatist and burlesque writer (1714? - 1782) READ QUOTES (1) Sir Charles Pratt, 1st Earl Camden, English jurist (1714 - 1794) Madame Marie Jeanne Riccoboni, Italian novelist (1713 - 1792) READ QUOTES (1) William Romaine, English theologian (1714 - 1795) READ QUOTES (1) William Shenstone, English poet, gardener and collector (1714 - 1763) READ QUOTES (109) Rev. James Townley, English teacher, dramatist and writer (1714 - 1778) READ QUOTES (2) George Whitefield, English preacher and founder of Calvinistic Methodists (1714 - 1770) Benjamin Beddome, English minister and hymnist (1715 - 1795) READ QUOTES (1) John Brown (1), English clergyman and miscellaneous writer (1715 - 1766) READ QUOTES (6) Etienne Bonnot de Condillac, French philosopher (1715 - 1780) READ QUOTES (1) Abraham Davenport, American businessman, selectman and judge (1715 - 1789) READ QUOTES (1) Francois Joachim Pierre de Bernis, French cardinal (1715 - 1794) READ QUOTES (1) Christian Furchtegott Gellert, German poet, moralist and writer (1715 - 1769) READ QUOTES (4) Richard Graves, the Younger, English divine and writer (1715 - 1804) READ QUOTES (2) John Hawkesworth, English compiler and editor (1715? - 1773) READ QUOTES (1) Claude Arien Helvetius, French philosopher (1715 - 1771) READ QUOTES (12) Marquis de Mirabeau, Victor de Riquetti, French eccentric and economic writer (1715 - 1789) READ QUOTES (12) Jean Baptiste Perronneau, French painter (1715 - 1783) William Strahan, Scottish printer (1715 - 1785) Thomas Townson, English theologian (1715 - 1792) Luc de Clapier de Vauvanargues, French moralist (1715 - 1747) READ QUOTES (43) William Whitehead, English dramatist and poet laureate (1715 - 1785) READ QUOTES (2) Cao Xuequin, Chinese author of the classic novel "Dream of the Red Chamber" (1715 - 1763) READ QUOTES (1) John Berridge, English clergyman (1716 - 1793) READ QUOTES (1) Thomas Gray, English poet, prose writer and scholar (1716 - 1771) READ QUOTES (94) CHECK READING LIST (1) Marquis Jean Francois de Saint-Lambert, French poet and philosopher (1716 - 1803) READ QUOTES (1) Richard West, English poet (1716 - 1742) READ QUOTES (1) Thomas Wilbraham, English physician (fl. 1756) READ QUOTES (1) Antoine Bret, French writer and poet (1717 - 1792) READ QUOTES (2) John Butler, English bishop and religious writer (1717 - 1802) Richard Owen Cambridge, English poet and satirical writer (1717 - 1802) READ QUOTES (1) Elizabeth Carter, English poet and translator (1717 - 1806) READ QUOTES (2) Jean Le Rond d'Alembert, French mathematican and philosopher (1717 - 1783) READ QUOTES (3) William Duncan, Scottish author (1717 - 1760) David Garrick, English actor and playwright (1717 - 1779) READ QUOTES (18) William Kendrick, English dramatist (? - 1777) READ QUOTES (1) Maria Theresa, Austrian empress (1717 - 1780) READ QUOTES (1) Anne Steele (used pseudonym Theodosia), English poet and hymn writer (1717 - 1778) READ QUOTES (1) Comte de Vergennes, Charles Gravier, French statesman (1717 - 1787) READ QUOTES (1) Horace (Horatio) Walpole, 4th Earl of Orford, English author (1717 - 1797) READ QUOTES (29) William Williams, Welsh clergyman and hymn writer (1717 - 1791) READ QUOTES (1) Johann Joachim Winckelmann, German classical archaeologist and art critic (1717 - 1768) READ QUOTES (2) Hugh Blair, English clergyman, critic and professor of rhetoric and belles-lettres (1718 - 1809) READ QUOTES (64) David Brainard, American clergyman (1718 - 1747) READ QUOTES (1) Nikita Ivanovich Panin, Russian statesman (1718 - 1883) Israel Putnam, American general (1718 - 1790) Alexandre Roslin, French (Swedish-born) portrait painter (1718 - 1793) Lord Sandwich, English politician and diplomat (1718 - 1792) READ QUOTES (1) George Campbell, Scottish divine (1719 - 1796) READ QUOTES (1) James Cawthorn, English poet (1719 - 1761) Duc de Choiseul, French politician (1719 - 1785) READ QUOTES (1) Elie Catherine Freron, French famous critic (1719 - 1776) Johann William Ludwig Gleim, German poet (1719 - 1803) READ QUOTES (1) Robert Glynn, English physician (1719 - 1800) Abbe A.S. Irailh, French writer (1719 - 1794) Magnus Gottfried Lichtwer, German fabulist (1719 - 1783) READ QUOTES (2) Michel Jean Sedaine, French dramatist and poet (1719 - 1797) READ QUOTES (1) Thomas Sheridan, English actor, lecturer and author (1719 - 1788)
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