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Guillaume Apollinaire, French novelist and critic (1880 - 1918) READ QUOTES (1) George Asaf (pseudonym of George Henry Powell), British song writer (1880 - 1951) READ QUOTES (1) Sholem Asch, American (Polish-born) Yiddish novelist (1880 - 1957) READ QUOTES (1) CHECK READING LIST (4) Henry Howarth Bashford, English writer and physician (1880 - 1961) READ QUOTES (1) Janet Begbie, English poet (early 20th century) READ QUOTES (1) Charles L. Benjamin, American song writer (20th century) Sir Harold Bowden, English industrialist (1880 - 1960) Horace James Bridges, American writer and lecturer (1880 - 1955) Ophelia G. Browning (Mrs. Arthur P. Adams, Mrs. T.E. Burroughs), American writer and poet (20th century) READ QUOTES (1) Benjamin Hapgood Burt, American song writer (1880 - 1950) Stephen Chalmers, American (Scottish-born) poet (1880 - 1935) Esther Lilian Duff, English poet (early 20th century) Marriott Edgar, Scottish poet (1880 - 1951) Jacob Epstein, British sculptor (1880 - 1959) Henry Pratt Fairchild, American sociologist (1880 - 1956) W.C. Fields, American actor and comedian (1880 - 1946) READ QUOTES (1) B.C. Forbes, Scottish journalist (1880 - 1954) Emil Franke, Czechoslovakian politician (1880 - 1939) READ QUOTES (1) John Freeman, English poet (1880 - 1929) Herbert Adams Gibbons, American writer and publicist (1880 - 1934) Joseph C. Grew, American diplomat (1880 - 1965) CHECK READING LIST (1) Henry Sydnor Harrison, American journalist, novelist and social critic (1880 - 1930) READ QUOTES (3) CHECK READING LIST (3) Albert Eustace Haydon, American writer on music (1880 - 1975) Louis Hemon, French novelist (1880 - 1913) READ QUOTES (1) CHECK READING LIST (1) Daniel Henderson, American poet and miscellaneous writer (1880 - 1955) Paxton Pattison Hibben, American diplomatist, soldier and journalist (1880 - 1928) Carol Brevoort Hilton-Turvey, American novelist (1880 - ?) READ QUOTES (1) Robert Cortes Holliday, American author and editor (1880 - 1947) William Brian Hooker, American educator and poet (1880 - 1946) READ QUOTES (1) Edith Maude Hull, English novelist (1880 - 1947) READ QUOTES (1) CHECK READING LIST (1) Helen Huntington (Mrs. Harley Granville Barker), English writer (early 20th century) Lucy Elliot Keeler, American author and educator (1880 - 1930) Helen Adams Keller, American author and lecturer (1880 - 1968) READ QUOTES (20) Sophie Kerr (Mrs. Sophie Kerr Underwood), American miscellaneous writer (1880 - 1965) Peter Bernard Kyne, American businessman, novelist and short story writer (1880 - 1957) READ QUOTES (1) CHECK READING LIST (1) Bert Lee, British song writer (1880 - 1947) A. Neil Lyons (Albert Michael) ("Edwin Smallweed"), Cape Colony novelist, poet, dramatist, editor and miscellaneous writer (1880 - 1940) READ QUOTES (1) General Douglas MacArthur, American army officer (1880 - 1964) READ QUOTES (14) CHECK READING LIST (1) Terence Joseph MacSwiney, Irish parliament member, Lord Mayor of Cork and self-martyr by starvation (1880 - 1920) Everett Dean Martin, American sociologist (1880 - 1941) Howard Lee McBain, American educator and writer on government (1880 - 1936) Terence Joseph McSwiney, M.P., Irish Lord Mayor of Cork and self-martyr by starvation (1880 - 1920) READ QUOTES (2) Henry Louis Mencken, American journalist and literary critic (1880 - 1956) READ QUOTES (113) CHECK READING LIST (1) John Richard Moreland, American poet (1880 - 1947) Robert Edler von Musil, Austrian novelist (1880 - 1942) READ QUOTES (1) Kathleen Norris (nee Kathleen Thompson and wife of C.G. Norris), American novelist (1880 - 1966) READ QUOTES (9) CHECK READING LIST (2) Alfred Noyes, English poet and writer (1880 - 1958) READ QUOTES (12) Lawrence Oates, British explorer (1880 - 1912) Christabel Pankhurst, English suffragist, daughter of Emmeline Pankhurst (1880 - 1958) Frances Perkins, American educator and government official (1880 - 1965) CHECK READING LIST (1) Julia Mood Peterkin, American writer (1880 - 1961) READ QUOTES (1) CHECK READING LIST (1) Channing Pollock, American dramatist (1880 - 1946) Ernest Poole, American journalist, playwright, short story writer and novelist (1880 - 1950) READ QUOTES (2) CHECK READING LIST (2) Edwin Quarles, American poet (1880 - 1932) Jeannette Rankin, American suffragist and politician (1880 - 1973) Grantland Rice, American sports columnist and author (1880 - 1954) READ QUOTES (1) CHECK READING LIST (1) Richard Rowland, American film producer (1880 - 1947) READ QUOTES (1) Alice M. Shepard, American poet (early 20th century) READ QUOTES (1) Oswald Spengler, German philosopher (1880 - 1936) READ QUOTES (2) Sir Josiah Stamp, English economist and financier (1880 - 1941) Marie Stopes, Scottish scientist and birth-control pioneer (1880 - 1958) Lytton Strachey, English biographer and critic (1880 - 1932) READ QUOTES (1) CHECK READING LIST (3) George D. Sutton, American song writer (20th century) R.H. Tawney (Richard Henry Tawney), British (Indian-born) economist (1880 - 1962) CHECK READING LIST (1) Jewell Bothwell Tull, American writer (fl. 1915 - 1936) Nancy Byrd Turner, American poet and editor (1880 - 1971) Arthur Weigall, English Egyptologist and author (1880 - 1934) Otto Weininger, Austrian philosopher (1880 - 1903) Thomas Russell Ybarra, American writer (1880 - 1971) CHECK READING LIST (1) Franklin Pierce Adams, American journalist, humorist and writer (1881 - 1960) READ QUOTES (4) Bess Streeter Aldrich, American novelist (1881 - 1954) READ QUOTES (2) CHECK READING LIST (2) Mary Antin, American (Russian-born) writer and social reformer (1881 - 1949) CHECK READING LIST (1) Daisy Ashford, English novelist (1881 - 1972) Bela Bartok, Hungarian composer and pianist (1881 - 1945) Clive Bell, English art critic (1881 - 1964) Ernest Bevin, British politician and labor leader (1881 - 1951) Jean Fleming Brown, American educator (1881 - 1950) Witter Bynner, American author (1881 - 1968) READ QUOTES (1) Joseph Campbell (1), Irish poet and artist (1881 - 1944) READ QUOTES (2) Francis Carlin (pseudonym of James Francis Carlin MacDonnell), American poet (1881 - 1945) Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, French philosopher and paleontologist (1881 - 1955) READ QUOTES (3) Grace Stone Coates, American writer and poet (1881 - 1976) Padraic Colum, Irish poet (1881 - 1972) Alice Corbin (Mrs. William Penhallow Henderson), American poet, essayist, anthologist, children's author and translator (1881 - 1949) Ethel May Dell, English short story writer and novelist (1881 - 1939) READ QUOTES (5) CHECK READING LIST (4) George Enescu, Romanian composer (1881 - 1955) Johnny Evers, American baseball player (1881 - 1947) READ QUOTES (1) Eleanor Farjeon, English children's writer (1881 - 1965) Harry A. Franck, American writer and world traveler (1881 - 1962) CHECK READING LIST (1) Armand J. Gerson, American historian (1881 - unknown) Edgar Albert Guest, American poet, humorist, journalist and miscellaneous writer (1881 - 1959) READ QUOTES (6) CHECK READING LIST (2) Edward F. Halifax, English statesman (1881 - 1959) Florence Emily Hardy, American (1881 - 1937) Arthur Garfield Hays, American lawyer (1881 - 1955) John Edward Hazzard, American actor, author and poet (1881 - 1935) Tehyi Hsieh, Chinese educator, writer and diplomat (1881 - ?) Bede Jarrett, writer of "The House of Gold" (1881 - 1937) READ QUOTES (1) D.C. Jarvis (DeForest Clinton Jarvis), American physician (1881 - 1966) CHECK READING LIST (1) Juan Ramon Jimenez, Spanish poet (1881 - 1958) Pope John XXIII, Roman religious leader (1881 - 1963) Emil Ludwig, German writer and biographer (1881 - 1948) READ QUOTES (1) CHECK READING LIST (4) Rose Macaulay, English novelist (1881 - 1958) READ QUOTES (3) Edwin North McClellan, American soldier (1881 - 1971) William McFee, American (English-born) author (1881 - 1966) READ QUOTES (3) William J. McKenna, American song writer (1881 - unknown) Aline Michaelis, American poet (1881 - 1958) READ QUOTES (1) Ludwig Von Mises, Austrian economist (1881 - 1973) READ QUOTES (1) John Gneisenau Neihardt, American critic, poet and writer (1881 - 1973) READ QUOTES (1) Charles Gilman Norris, American editor and author (1881 - 1945) Giovanni Papini, Italian philosopher and writer (1881 - 1956) CHECK READING LIST (1) Anna Pavlova, Russian ballerina (1881 - 1931) Pablo R. Picasso, Spanish painter (1881 - 1973) READ QUOTES (6) William Pickens, American educator and university dean (1881 - 1954) Branch Rickey, American baseball player, manager and executive (1881 - 1965) READ QUOTES (2) Lady Margaret Sackville, Scottish poet (1881 - 1963) Kirke Simpson, American journalist (1881 - 1972) Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, French Jesuit, philosopher and paleontologist (1881 - 1955) William Temple (2), English theologian (1881 - 1944) James John Walker, American lawyer and mayor of New York (1881 - 1946) Harry Morris Warner, American (Polish-born) movie producer and founder of Warner Brothers (1881 - 1958) READ QUOTES (1) Mary Webb, English novelist (1881 - 1927) READ QUOTES (2) Thomas Earle Welby, British writer (1881 - 1933) READ QUOTES (1) Pelham Grenville Wodehouse, English novelist and humorist (1881 - 1975) READ QUOTES (4) Lu Xun, Chinese satirist and author (1881 - 1936) READ QUOTES (1) Stark Young, American poet, playwright, fiction writer and critic (1881 - 1963) READ QUOTES (1) CHECK READING LIST (1) Stefan Zweig, Austrian writer (1881 - 1942) CHECK READING LIST (2) Martin Armstrong, English poet (1882 - 1974) Aurel (pseudonym of Aurelle Mortier), French author (1882 - ?) John Barrymore, American actor (1882 - 1942) READ QUOTES (5) Henry Bellamann (pseudonym of Heinrich Hauer), American writer (1882 - 1945) READ QUOTES (1) CHECK READING LIST (1) Silas Bent, American miscellaneous writer (1882 - 1945) Max Born, German-British physicist and educator (1882 - 1970) READ QUOTES (1) Louise Morey Bowman, Canadian writer (1882 - 1944) Berton Braley, American author and journalist (1882 - 1966) READ QUOTES (2) Georges Braque, French painter and sculptor (1882 - 1963) READ QUOTES (3) Percy W. Bridgman, American physicist (1882 - 1961) READ QUOTES (2) Howard Brubaker, American writer and journalist (1882 - 1957) READ QUOTES (1) Maxwell Struthers Burt, American novelist and poet (1882 - 1954) John Drinkwater, English poet and dramatist (1882 - 1937) Sir Arthur Eddington, British astrophysicist (1882 - 1944) READ QUOTES (1) Eric Rucker Eddison, English civil servant, writer and Norse scholar (1882 - 1945) READ QUOTES (1) CHECK READING LIST (1) Jessie Redmon Fauset, American poet and novelist (1882 - 1961) John T. Flynn, American journalist (1882 - 1964) CHECK READING LIST (1) Justice Felix Frankfurter, American jurist (1882 - 1965) READ QUOTES (11) Eric Gill, English sculptor, engraver and author (1882 - 1940) READ QUOTES (1) Arturo Giovannitti, American (Italian-born) poet (1882 - 1959) READ QUOTES (1) Jean Giraudoux, French dramatist, novelist and diplomat (1882 - 1944) READ QUOTES (2) Samuel Goldwyn, American producer (1882 - 1974) READ QUOTES (15) William Frederick "Bull" Halsey, American admiral (1882 - 1959) Charlotte Hardin, American writer (1882 - unknown) Ruth Guthrie Harding, American poet (1882 - ?) Alice Tisdale Hobart (Alice Nourse Hobart), American author (1882 - 1967) READ QUOTES (2) CHECK READING LIST (1) Thomas S. Jones, Jr., American poet (1882 - 1933) James Joyce, Irish novelist, poet and playwright (1882 - 1941) READ QUOTES (13) CHECK READING LIST (4) Franz Kafka, Czech (formerly Bohemian) poet and fiction writer (1882 - 1924) READ QUOTES (18) CHECK READING LIST (3) Henry J. Kaiser, American industrialist (1882 - 1967) Fiorello H. La Guardia, American lawyer and mayor of New York City (1882 - 1947) Winifred Letts (Mrs. W.H. Foster Verschoyle), Irish poet (1882 - 1936) Ludwig Lewisohn, American critic and miscellaneous writer (1882 - 1955) Ernst Lissauer, German poet, author, essayist, dramatist and publisher (1882 - 1937) READ QUOTES (2) Mina Loy, American poet (1882 - 1966) Ballard Macdonald, American song writer (1882 - 1935) Jacques Maritain, French philosopher (1882 - 1973) READ QUOTES (1) CHECK READING LIST (4) Katharine T. Marshall, American army wife (1882 - 1978) CHECK READING LIST (1) Anne O'Hare McCormick, American (English-born) journalist (1882 - 1954) Richard Barham Middleton, English author (1882 - 1911) A.A. (Alan Alexander) Milne, English humorist and children's author (1882 - 1956) READ QUOTES (2) CHECK READING LIST (3) George Jean Nathan, American essayist, editor and critic "American Mercury" (1882 - 1958) READ QUOTES (14) Otto Neurath, German philosopher (1882 - 1945) READ QUOTES (1) James Oppenheim, American poet (1882 - 1932) READ QUOTES (9) Sylvia Pankhurst, English biographer and suffragist, daughter of Emmeline Pankhurst (1882 - 1960) Sam Rayburn, American politician and lawyer (1882 - 1961) READ QUOTES (2) Charles Alexander Richmond, American clergyman, writer and college president (1882 - ?) READ QUOTES (3) Kurt Riezler, German-American government advisor and philosopher (1882 - 1955) READ QUOTES (1) Franklin Delano Roosevelt, American 32nd president of U.S. (1882 - 1945) READ QUOTES (30) CHECK READING LIST (1) Samuel L. Rothafel, American theatre manager (1882 - 1936) Moritz Schlick, German philosopher (1882 - 1936) Artur Schnabel, Austrian pianist and teacher (1882 - 1951) Milton Sills, American actor (1882 - 1930) Sokei-An, Chinese Zen master (1882 - 1945) Anne Spencer, American poet and social worker (1882 - 1975) Willard L. Sperry, American clergyman (1882 - 1954) James Stephens, Irish poet and writer (1882 - 1950) READ QUOTES (7) Leopold Stokowski, American (Polish-born) conductor (1882 - 1977) Igor Stravinsky, Russian composer (1882 - 1971) READ QUOTES (4) Halliday Sutherland (1882 - 1960) CHECK READING LIST (1) Herbert Bayard Swope, American journalist and editor (1882 - 1958) Sigrid Undset, Norwegian novelist (1882 - 1949) Hendrik Willem van Loon, American (Dutch-born) journalist, lecturer and writer (1882 - 1944) READ QUOTES (1) CHECK READING LIST (3) Virginia Woolf (nee Stephen) (Adeline Virginia Woolf), English author and critic (1882 - 1941) READ QUOTES (18) CHECK READING LIST (5) Shirley Wilmotte Wynne, American physician (1882 - ?) G.M. (George Malcolm) Young, English historian (1882 - 1959) Clement Attlee, 1st Earl of Attlee, English labor party leader (1883 - 1967) Eric Temple Bell, American (Scottish-born) mathematician (1883 - 1960) READ QUOTES (8) George Bell, English clergyman (1883 - 1958) Eubie Blake, American pianist (1883 - 1983) Derby Brown, American advertising executive (1883 - unknown) Friedrich Buchsel, German theologian (1883 - 1942) READ QUOTES (1) Nannie Burroughs, American educator (1883 - 1961) Coco Chanel, French fashion designer (1883 - 1971) READ QUOTES (5) Coningsby William Dawson, American (English-born) novelist (1883 - 1959) READ QUOTES (2) CHECK READING LIST (5) Max Eastman, American author (1883 - 1969) READ QUOTES (4) Arthur Guy Empey, American soldier, actor, producer, director and author (1883 - 1963) CHECK READING LIST (1) St. John Greer Ervine, Irish novelist and playwright (1883 - 1971) Douglas Fairbanks, Sr., American actor (1883 - 1939) READ QUOTES (1) CHECK READING LIST (1) Arthur Davison Ficke, American poet and writer (1883 - 1945) Jose Ortega y Gasset, Spanish philosopher and humanist (1883 - 1955) READ QUOTES (3) Kahlil Gibran, Syrian poet, writer and painter (1883 - 1931) READ QUOTES (33) Walter Gropius, German architect (1883 - 1969) READ QUOTES (1) Francis Hackett, American (Irish-born) writer (1883 - 1962) CHECK READING LIST (2) Radclyffe Hall, English novelist (1883 - 1943) Jimmy Harper, English song writer (fl. 1928) Jaroslav Hasek, Czech writer (1883 - 1923) READ QUOTES (2) CHECK READING LIST (1) Napoleon Hill, American writer (1883? - 1970) READ QUOTES (14) Harry Hibbard Kemp, American poet (1883 - 1960) Jaan Kenbrovin (pseudonym of James Kendis), American song writer (1883 - 1946) Geoffrey Anketell Studdert Kennedy, English clergyman and poet (1883 - 1929) John Maynard Keynes, English economist (1883 - 1946) READ QUOTES (9) CHECK READING LIST (2) Alfred Kreymborg, American author and poet (1883 - 1966) READ QUOTES (1) Lewis E. Lawes, American prison warden (1883 - 1947) Eugene M. Macdonald, American publisher and editor (1883 - 1909) Compton Mackenzie, English novelist (1883 - 1972) Michael MacWhite, Irish diplomat (1883 - 1958) Elsa Maxwell, American writer, television hostess and columnist (1883 - 1963) READ QUOTES (2) J. Corson Miller, American poet (1883 - unknown) READ QUOTES (4) Benito Mussolini, Italian political leader and dictator (1883 - 1945) READ QUOTES (14) Alexander Sutherland Neill, Scottish teacher (1883 - 1973) Pierre Lecomte du Nouy, French biophysicist, philosopher, attorney and author (1883 - 1947) CHECK READING LIST (1) Marjorie Lowry Christie Pickthall, English poet (1883 - 1922) Joan Riviere, English psychoanalyst (1883 - 1962) Sax Rohmer, English mystery writer (1883 - 1959) Jessie Ethel Sampter, American-Israeli poet and writer (1883 - 1938) Margaret Sanger, American nurse and social reformer (1883 - 1966) READ QUOTES (4) Joseph A. Schumpeter, American (Moravian-born) economist and sociologist (1883 - 1950) Gerald Hugh Tyrwhitt (Tyrwhitt-Wilson), 14th Baron Berners, English composed, painter and writer (1883 - 1950) Edgard Valese, American composer (1883 - 1965) Edgard Varese, American composer (1883 - 1965) READ QUOTES (1) Howard Arnold Walter, English writer (1883 - 1918) Marquerite Ogden Wilkinson (Mrs. James G. Wilkinson), American poet (1883 - 1928) William Carlos Williams, American poet (1883 - 1963) READ QUOTES (3) CHECK READING LIST (1) Grigori Zinoviev, Russian politician (1883 - 1936) Ethel Percy Andrus, American social activist (1884 - 1967) Elizabeth Arden, American cosmetics executive (1884 - 1966) READ QUOTES (1) Gaston Bachelard, French philosopher (1884 - 1962) Elsa Barker, American novelist and poet (? - 1954) Eduard Benes, Czech statesman, president of Czechoslovakia (1884 - 1948) Laura Benet, American editor, novelist and poet (1884 - 1979) Phyllis Bottome (a/k/a Phyllis Forbes-Dennis), English novelist, memoirist, essayist and short story writer (1884 - 1963) READ QUOTES (3) CHECK READING LIST (2) Edgar Sheffield Brightman, American philosopher (1884 - 1953) Frank Buck, American adventurer, actor, filmmaker and writer (1884 - 1950) READ QUOTES (1) CHECK READING LIST (2) John Maurice Clark, American political economist (1884 - 1963) Ivy Compton-Burnett, English novelist (1884 - 1969) READ QUOTES (2) CHECK READING LIST (2) Will Cuppy, American writer and critic (1884 - 1949) Mary Carolyn Davies, American author, editor, poet and playwright (fl. 1914 - 1929) READ QUOTES (1) Helene Deutsch, American psychoanalyst (1884 - 1982) Ruth Draper, American actress (1884 - 1956) Georges Duhamel, French novelist (1884 - 1966) READ QUOTES (1) Walter Duranty, American (English-born) journalist and author (1884 - 1957) CHECK READING LIST (1) Donald Evans, American poet (1884 - 1921) James Elroy Flecker, English poet and dramatist (1884 - 1915) Katherine Jean Gallagher, American historian (1884? - 1948) Caroline Giltinan (Mrs. Leo P. Harlow), American poet (1884 - unknown) Texas Guinan, American nightclub hostess (1884 - 1933) Donald William Alers Hankey, American (1884 - 1916) CHECK READING LIST (1) J. Milton Hayes, English actor and poet (1884 - 1940) READ QUOTES (1) Russell Janney, American theatrical producer and writer (1884 - 1963) CHECK READING LIST (1) Wyndham Lewis (Percy Wyndham Lewis), English artist, poet, literary critic, and novelist (1884 - 1957) Mrs. Alice Roosevelt Longworth, American author, socialite and celebrity relative (1884 - 1980) READ QUOTES (4) Ogden Livingston Mills, American politician (1884 - 1937) Sean O'Casey, Irish playwright (1884 - 1964) READ QUOTES (1) Charles Leo O'Donnell, American educator and poet (1884 - 1934) Llewelyn Powys, English writer (1884 - 1939) Keith Preston, American poet and humorist (1884 - 1927) Arthur Ransome, English author (1884 - 1967) Ruth Mason Rice, American verse writer (1884 - 1927) William Alexander Robinson, American biographer and political scientist (1884 - 1950) Eleanor Roosevelt, American humanitarian and diplomat, wife of Franklin D. Roosevelt (1884 - 1962) READ QUOTES (14) Damon Runyon, American journalist and short story writer (1884 - 1946) Yevgeny Samyatin, Russian writer (1884 - 1937) Odell Shepard, American educator and poet (1884 - 1967) Emanuel Shinwell, British politician (1884 - 1986) READ QUOTES (1) Sir John Collings Squire, English journalist and critic (1884 - 1958) William Force Stead, American poet (1884 - 1967) Ruth Stout, American gardener and writer (1884 - 1980) William Francis Gray Swann, American (English-born) physicist (1884 - 1962) Sara Teasdale (Mrs. E.B. Filsinger), American author and poet (1884 - 1933) READ QUOTES (9) Norman Mattoon Thomas, American socialist and social reformer (1884 - 1968) Ernest Thurtle, English politician (1884 - 1954) Harry S. Truman, American 33rd president of U.S. (1884 - 1972) READ QUOTES (13) CHECK READING LIST (1) Sophie Tucker (f/k/a Sophie Abuza), American vaudeville actress and singer (1884 - 1966) READ QUOTES (3) Sophie Letitia Tunnell, American poet (1884 - unknown) Sir Hugh Seymour Walpole, English novelist, critic and dramatist (1884 - 1941) READ QUOTES (2) CHECK READING LIST (2) George Ross Wells, American writer (1884 - 1962) Anna Wickham (Mrs. Patrick Hepburn), English poet (1884 - 1947) Margaret Widdemer, American poet and novelist (1884 - 1978) Prince William of Sweden, Swedish traveler and writer (1884 - 1965) Francis Brett Young, English novelist and poet (1884 - 1954) READ QUOTES (1)
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