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Rabbi Gamaliel, Jerusalemite Jewish doctor (c. 1st century AD) Leon Michel Gambetta, French lawyer and statesman (1838 - 1882) READ QUOTES (3) George Gamow, American (Russian-born) physicist (1904 - 1968) Sir Gregory Gander (pseudonym of George Ellis), English poet (1753 - 1815) [see Ellis] Indira Gandhi, Indian philosopher and political leader (1917 - 1984) READ QUOTES (10) "Mahatma" Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Indian Hindu nationalist leader (1869 - 1948) READ QUOTES (6) Ernest Kellogg Gann, American writer (1910 - 1991) CHECK READING LIST (1) William Channing Gannett, American clergyman and litterateur (1840 - 1923) READ QUOTES (1) Olivia Gans, American activist (late 20th century) Hervey Doddridge Ganse, American controversialist (1822 - 1891) Joe Garagiola, American baseball player and sportscaster (1926 - ) Greta Garbo, Swedish actress (1905 - 1990) READ QUOTES (1) Jerry Garcia, American musician and singer (1942 - 1995) Federico Garcia Lorca, Spanish poet and dramatist (1898 - 1936) Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Colombian novelist and short story writer (1928 - ) READ QUOTES (1) CHECK READING LIST (2) Mary Garden, American opera singer (1877 - 1967) Major Augustus P. Gardner, American soldier and sportsman (1865 - 1918) READ QUOTES (1) Ava Gardner, American actress (1922 - 1990) Ed Gardner, American radio comedian (1901 - 1963) READ QUOTES (1) Mrs. Jack Gardner (Isabella Stewart), American social leader and art collector (1840 - 1924) John W. Gardner, American writer and government official (1912 - 2002) CHECK READING LIST (1) Victor E. Gardner, no available biographical information READ QUOTES (1) James Abram Garfield, American 20th president of U.S., general and statesman (1831 - 1881) READ QUOTES (59) Giuseppe Garibaldi, Italian patriot (1807 - 1882) READ QUOTES (5) Gariopontus, Salernian medieval writer (? - 1050) Hamlin Garland, American writer (1860 - 1940) Judy Garland, American actress and singer (1922 - 1969) READ QUOTES (1) Landon Cabell Garland, American mathematician (1810 - 1895) James Finn Garner, American author and improvisational theater artist (1960 - ) CHECK READING LIST (1) John Nance Garner, American politician and vice-president (1868 - 1967) READ QUOTES (1) Henry Highland Garnet, American clergyman and abolitionist (1815 - 1882) Louise Ayres Garnett (Mrs. Eugene H. Garnett), American writer and composer (1877? - 1937) Richard Garnett, English librarian and author (1835 - 1906) READ QUOTES (1) Edward Garrett (pseudonym of Mrs. Isabella Fyvie Mayo), English author (1843 - 1914) [see Mayo] David Garrick, English actor and playwright (1717 - 1779) READ QUOTES (18) Theodosia Pickering Garrison (Mrs. Frederic J. Faulks), American poet and author (1874 - 1944) [see Faulks] William Lloyd Garrison, American journalist and abolitionist (1805 - 1879) READ QUOTES (8) Joan Terry Garrity (used pseudonym "J"), American writer (1940 - ) [see J] Heathcote William Garrod, English statesman and writer (1878 - 1960) David Jeffries Garrow, American writer (1953 - ) Crosbie Garstin, English writer (1887 - 1930) Sir Samuel Garth, English physician and poet (1661 - 1719) READ QUOTES (11) Marcus Garvey, Jamaican political leader (1887 - 1940) Romain Gary (pseudonym of Romain Kacew), French (Lithuanian-born) diplomat and writer (1914 - 1980)
TOPICS: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z PEOPLE: # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z . . . Ga Gam Gas Ge Gi Gil Gir Go Goo Gr Gre Gri Gu
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