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Matteo Gribaldi, Italian jurist, educator and antitrinitarian (1506 - 1562) READ QUOTES (1) Edvard Grieg, Norwegian composer (1843 - 1907) J.B. Grier, American author (fl. 1870) John Grierson, English film maker (1888 - 1972) Gerald Griffin, Irish novelist, poet and dramatist (1803 - 1840) READ QUOTES (2) Susan Griffin, American poet, writer and educator William Griffin, American editor and poet (1876 - unknown) Mervyn Griffith-Jones, British lawyer (1909 - 1979) Martha Wright Griffiths, American politician (1912 - 2003) John Grigg (formerly Lord Altrincham), British writer and journalist (1924 - ) Madame de Francoise Marquerite Grignan, French letter writer and daughter of Madame de Sevigne (1646 - unknown) Geoffrey Grigson, English critic (1905 - 1985) John Grimes, American poet (1894 - unknown) Angelina Grimke, American abolitionist and women's rights advocate (1805 - 1879) Charlotte Forten Grimke, American educator and diarist (1837 - 1914) Francis J. Grimke, American pastor (1850 - 1937) Baron Friedrich von Grimm, Friedrich Melchior, French (German-born) author (1723 - 1807) READ QUOTES (6) Nicholas Grimoald (Grimald or Grimalde), English poet and translator (1519 - 1562) READ QUOTES (1) Alexander Bathasar Laurent Grimod de La Reyniere, French writer, wit and gastronome (1758 - 1838) [see Reyniere] Joseph "Jo" Grimond, British politician (1913 - 1993) Edmund Grindal, English prelate and archbishop of Canterbury (1519? - 1583) Leopold Hartley Grindon, English businessman and botanist (1818 - 1904) READ QUOTES (2) John Grisham, American writer (1955 - ) CHECK READING LIST (19) Alfred Whitney Griswold, American educator and historian (1906 - 1963) Frances Irene Burge Smith Griswold (F. Burge Smith), American writer (1836 - 1900) [see Smith] Rufus Wilmot Griswold, American editor (1815 - 1857) READ QUOTES (1) Lewis Grizzard, American writer (1946 - 1996) READ QUOTES (2) Grobianus (F. Dedekind), German student (fl. 1549) READ QUOTES (1) Matt Groening, American cartoonist (creator of "The Simpsons") (1954 - ) John Grogan, American journalist (1957 - ) CHECK READING LIST (1) Andrei Gromyko, Russian statesman (1909 - 1989) Walter Gropius, German architect (1883 - 1969) READ QUOTES (1) Francis Grose, English antiquary and draughtsman (1731? - 1791) John Grose, English divine and compiler (1758 - 1821) Greg Gross, American baseball player (1952 - ) READ QUOTES (1) Moses H. Grossman, American jurist (1872 - 1942) George Grossmith, English actor, singer and writer (1847 - 1912) George Grossmith and Weedon Grossmith, English actors and writers (1847 - 1912 / 1854 - 1919) READ QUOTES (2) Weedon Grossmith, English artist, actor and writer (1854 - 1919) General Charles Henry Grosvenor, American soldier and politician (1833 - 1917) George Grote, British banker and historian (1794 - 1871) Harriet Grote, English biographer (1792 - 1878) Hugo Grotius, Dutch theologian and historian, father of international law (1583 - 1645) READ QUOTES (4) Jean Nicholas Grou, French clergyman and author (1731 - 1803) READ QUOTES (2) Henry Grout, English essayist (fl. 1850) Andrew Grove, American businessman (1936 - ) Anastasius Grun (pseudonym of Anton Alexander, Graf von Auersperg), Austrian poet (1806 - 1876) [see Auersperg] READ QUOTES (1) Joseph Ridgway Grundy, American senator (1863 - 1961) Sydney Grundy, English dramatist (1848 - 1914) READ QUOTES (1) Jan Gruter, Flemish philologist (1560 - 1627) Edward Grymestone, English notable (fl. 1446) READ QUOTES (1) Andreas Gryphius, German poet and dramatist (1616 - 1664) READ QUOTES (1)
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