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Robert Keable, English author (1887 - 1927) READ QUOTES (1) CHECK READING LIST (1) Janis F. Kearney, American diarist (late 20th century) James Stuart Keate, Canadian newspaper publisher (1913 - 1987) Paul Keating, Australian statesman (1944 - ) John Keats (1), English poet (1795 - 1821) READ QUOTES (114) CHECK READING LIST (1) John C. Keats (2), American writer (1920 - 2000) John Keble, English priest, theologian and poet (1792 - 1866) READ QUOTES (19) John Keegan, English historian (1934 - ) CHECK READING LIST (1) Lucy Elliot Keeler, American author and educator (1880 - 1930) Brian Keenan, Irish writer and teacher (1950 - ) READ QUOTES (1) Charles Samuel Keene, English humorous artist (1823 - 1891) Thomas Wallace Keene (real name was Thomas R. Eagleton), American actor (1840 - 1898) Garrison Keillor, American humorous writer and broadcaster (1942 - ) READ QUOTES (8) CHECK READING LIST (2) Agnes Newton Keith, American writer (1901 - 1982) CHECK READING LIST (1) Alexander Keith, Scottish author (1791 - 1880) Sir Arthur Keith, Scottish anthropologist (1866 - 1955) READ QUOTES (2) Helen Adams Keller, American author and lecturer (1880 - 1968) READ QUOTES (20) William Kellette, American song writer (1873 - 1922) Grace Kelley, American actor and princess of Monaco (1928 - 1982) Hubert Kelley, American poet (early 20th century) Kitty Kelley, American writer (1942 - ) CHECK READING LIST (4) John Harvey Kellogg, American surgeon and cereal manufacturer (1852 - 1943) George Kelly, American dramatist (1887 - 1974) Hugh Kelly, Irish dramatist and poet (1739 - 1777) James Plunkett Kelly (a/k/a James Plunkett), Irish radio and television executive and novelist (1920 - 2003) [see Plunkett] John W. Kelly ("The Rolling-Mill Man") (pseudonym of John W. Shields), American song writer and humorist (1857 - 1896) Petra Kelly, German politician (1947 - ) Walt Kelly, American cartoonist (creator of "Pogo") (1913 - 1973) CHECK READING LIST (1) Mary Ann Kelty, English novelist (1789 - 1873) Lord Kelvin (1st Baron Kelvin), William Thomson, British mathematician and physicist (1824 - 1907) [see Thomson] Frances Anne "Fanny" Kemble (Mrs. Butler), English actress and writer (1811 - 1893) READ QUOTES (10) John P. Kemble, English actor (1757 - 1823) READ QUOTES (3) Harry Hibbard Kemp, American poet (1883 - 1960) Jack Kemp, American politician and football player (1935 - 2009) READ QUOTES (1) William Kemp, English author (fl. 1590) Thomas a Kempis, German ascetic and writer, author of De Imitatione Christi (1380 - 1471) READ QUOTES (54) Murray Kempton, American journalist (1917 - 1997) Sally Kempton, American writer and feminist (1943 - ) READ QUOTES (3)
TOPICS: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z PEOPLE: # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z . . . Ka Ke Ken Ki Kl Ko Kr
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