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Henry Roth, American (Ukrainian-born) teacher, farmer and writer (1906 - 1995) READ QUOTES (1) CHECK READING LIST (1) Joseph Roth, Austrian political journalist and novelist (1894 - 1939) READ QUOTES (1) CHECK READING LIST (1) Philip Roth, American novelist and short story writer (1933 - ) CHECK READING LIST (3) Samuel L. Rothafel, American theatre manager (1882 - 1936) Mayer A. Rothchild, German banker (1743 - 1812) Sir William Rothenstein, English artist and writer (1872 - 1945) Thomas Rotherham (a/k/a Thomas Scott), English prelate (1423 - 1500) Nathaniel Mayer Victor Rothschild, 3rd Baron Rothschild, British intelligence agent, biologist and author (1910 - 1990) READ QUOTES (7) Nathan Meyer Rothschild, English-Jewish (German-born) financier and merchant (1777 - 1836) Jean de Rotrou, French tragic poet and playwright (1609 - 1650) READ QUOTES (1) Georges Rouault, French painter and printmaker (1871 - 1958) M.N.B. Rougemont, Baron de Rougemont, French dramatist (1781 - 1840) READ QUOTES (1) Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle, French soldier and song writer (author of Marseillaise) (1760 - 1836) READ QUOTES (1) Charles Roupell, English official on British High Court of Justice READ QUOTES (1) Francis Rous, English writer (1579 - 1659) Henri Rousseau, French artist (1844 - 1910) Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Swiss philosopher and writer (1712 - 1778) READ QUOTES (97) CHECK READING LIST (5) Rev. Dr. Martin Joseph Routh, English scholar, theologian, educator and historian (1755 - 1854) READ QUOTES (2) Joseph Roux, French parish priest and writer (1834 - 1886) READ QUOTES (43) Carl Rowan, American columnist, journalist and diplomat (1925 - 2000) Major Andrew Summers Rowe, American soldier (1857 - ?) Elizabeth Singer Rowe, English writer and poet (? - 1737) READ QUOTES (1) Nicholas Rowe, English dramatist, writer and poet (1674 - 1718) READ QUOTES (57) Helen Rowland, American writer, journalist and humorist (1876 - 1950) READ QUOTES (15) Richard Rowland, American film producer (1880 - 1947) READ QUOTES (1) Richard Rowlands (alias Verstegen), English antiquary (fl. 1565 - 1620) Samuel Rowlands, English writer of tracts in prose and verse (1570? - 1630?) "Red" Rowley, American song writer (early 20th century) Richard Rowley, American writer (early 20th century) Samuel Rowley, English dramatist (? - 1633?) William Rowley, English actor and playwright (1585? - 1642?) READ QUOTES (2) J.K. (Joanne Kathleen) Rowling, Welsh novelist (1965 - ) READ QUOTES (1) CHECK READING LIST (1) Arundhati Roy, Indian actor, screenwriter and novelist (1960 - ) Pierre Charles Roy, French satirist and dramatic poet (1683 - 1764) READ QUOTES (1) Maude Royden, English religious writer (1876 - 1956) Matthew Roydon, English poet (c. 1580 - 1622) READ QUOTES (2) Pierre Paul Royer-Collard, French philosopher and statesman (1763 - 1845) READ QUOTES (3) Mike Royko, American journalist (1932 - 1997) Vasilij Vasil'e Rozanov (used pseudonym V. Varvarin), Russian writer and philosopher (1856 - 1919) READ QUOTES (1)
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