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Robert Chester Ruark, American author, journalist, essayist, world traveler and sportsman (1915 - 1965) CHECK READING LIST (2) Bernice Rubens, British novelist (1928 - 2004) Paul Alfred Rubens, English song writer (1875 - 1917) Peter Paul Rubens, Flemish painter (1577 - 1640) Jerry Rubin, American activist (1938 - 1994) Theodore Isaac Rubin, American psychiatrist and author (1923 - ) READ QUOTES (1) Anton Gregor Rubinstein, Russian-Jewish pianist and composer (1829 - 1894) Arthur Rubinstein, Polish-American pianist (1887 - 1983) READ QUOTES (1) Helena Rubinstein, American cosmetician, executive and philanthropist (1870 - 1965) Herman Ruby, American song writer (1892 - 1959) Jill Ruckelshaus, American government official and lecturer (1937 - ) Friedrich Ruckert, German poet (1788 - 1866) READ QUOTES (2) Rita Rudner, American comedienne, essayist and actress (1956 - ) READ QUOTES (3) Wilma Rudolph, American track athlete (1940 - 1994) Sir Benjamin Rudyard, English statesman and poet (1572 - 1658) READ QUOTES (1) Howard J. Ruff, American actor, singer, speed reader, investment counselor and stockbroker CHECK READING LIST (1) Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin, American suffragist (1842 - 1924) Giovanni Ruffini, Italian novelist (1807 - 1881) READ QUOTES (16) Marcus Caelius Rufus, Roman orator and politician (82 BC - 48 BC) READ QUOTES (1) Rufus Musonius, Roman Stoic philosopher (fl. 70) [see Musonius] Quintus Curtius Rufus (Curtis Rufus Quintus), Roman historian (c. 2nd century) READ QUOTES (24) David Ruggles, American editor (1819 - 1849) Arthur Brown Ruhl, American journalist and miscellaneous writer (1876 - 1935) Jacob can Ruisdael, Dutch landscaper painter and etcher (1628? - 1682) Muriel Rukeyser, American poet (1913 - 1980) READ QUOTES (1) Jane Rule, American novelist and critic (1931 - ) Claude Carloman de Rulhiere, French epigrammatist and anecdotist (1735 - 1791) Col. Richard Rumbold, English soldier and conspirator (1622 - 1685) READ QUOTES (3) Count Benjamin Thompson Rumford, English (American-born) physicist (1753 - 1814) READ QUOTES (1) Donald Rumsfeld, American pharmaceutical executive and political leader (1932 - ) READ QUOTES (13) Robert Runcie, English religious leader (1921 - 2001) Sir Steven Runciman, English historian (1903 - 2000) Bertha Runkle (Bertha Runkle Bash), American novelist (1879 - 1958) READ QUOTES (1) CHECK READING LIST (1) Damon Runyon, American journalist and short story writer (1884 - 1946) Benjamin Rush, American physician and congressman (1746 - 1813) READ QUOTES (7) Norman Rush, American writer (1933 - ) CHECK READING LIST (1) Richard Rush, American statesman (1780 - 1859) Salman Rushdie, English (Indian-born) novelist (1947 - ) READ QUOTES (1) CHECK READING LIST (2) Willie Rushton, British humorist and cartoonist (1937 - 1996) Dean Rusk, American diplomat (1909 - 1994) READ QUOTES (2) Bayard Ruskin, American civil-rights activist (1910? - 1987) READ QUOTES (5) John Ruskin, English writer, art critic and social reformer (1819 - 1900) READ QUOTES (199) Bertrand Arthur William Russell, English philosopher, mathematician, logician and social critic (1872 - 1970) READ QUOTES (68) CHECK READING LIST (4) Dora Winifred Black Russell (Mrs. Bertrand Russell), English writer and activist (1894 - 1986) READ QUOTES (1) Hon. G.W.E. (George William Erskine) Russell, English raconteur, member of parliament and writer (1853 - 1919) George William Russell (used pseudonym "AE"), Irish journalist, writer and poet (1867 - 1935) READ QUOTES (4) Irwin Russell, American journalist and poet (1853 - 1879) John Russell (1), English writer (fl. 1450) READ QUOTES (10) John Russell (2), English portrait painter (1745 - 1806) Lord John Russell, 1st Earl Russell of Kingston (3), English Whig statesman and prime minister (1792 - 1878) READ QUOTES (1) John Russell (4) (1921 - ) Judge Russell, no available biographical information READ QUOTES (3) Rachel Russell (Lady Russell), English noblewoman and wife of William Russell (1636 - 1723) READ QUOTES (2) Rosalind Russell, American actress and philanthropist (1911 - 1976) READ QUOTES (1) Thomas Russell, English poet (1762 - 1788) Sir William Howard Russell, Irish war correspondent and miscellaneous writer (1821 - 1907) READ QUOTES (1) Vito Russo, American film critic (1946 - 2000) Babe Ruth, American baseball player (1895 - 1948) Ernest Rutherford, English physicist (1871 - 1937) Samuel Rutherford, Scottish divine (1600 - 1661) READ QUOTES (18) Edward Rutherfurd (pseudonym of Francis Edward Wintle), English writer (1948 - ) Rutilius Namatianus Claudius, Roman poet (5th century) Lord John James Robert Manners, 7th Duke of Rutland, English Tory politician and writer (1818 - 1906) [see Manners] John Rutledge, American justice (1739 - 1800) READ QUOTES (1) Joseph Rutter, English poet (fl. 1640) READ QUOTES (1) William Bolitho Ryall (used pseudonym William Bolitho), English miscellaneous writer (1890 - 1930) [see Bolitho] Abram Joseph Ryan, American priest and poet (1838 - 1886) READ QUOTES (1) Cornelius Ryan, American writer (1920 - 1974) CHECK READING LIST (1) Albert Pinkham Ryder, American painter (1847 - 1917) Arthur William Ryder, American educator, translator and poet (1877 - 1938) John Ryland, American clergyman (1723 - 1792) Gilbert Ryle, English philosopher (1900 - 1976) READ QUOTES (1) John Charles Ryle, English bishop (1816 - 1900) READ QUOTES (2) Jan Van Ryswyk (Ryswick), Dutch poet (1811 - c. 1850) READ QUOTES (1)
TOPICS: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z PEOPLE: # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z . . . Ra Ran Re Rem Ri Rid Ro Roc Rol Ros Rot Ru
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