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Ibn Sina (a/k/a Abu Avicenna), Islamic scientist and philosopher (1980 - 1037) [see Avicenna] Frank Sinatra, American singer and actor (1915 - 1998) READ QUOTES (2) G. Sinclair, no available biographical information READ QUOTES (1) Sir John Sinclair, Scottish statesman (1754 - 1835) May Sinclair, English novelist (1865? - 1946) READ QUOTES (1) CHECK READING LIST (1) Upton Beall Sinclair, American novelist and politician (1878 - 1968) READ QUOTES (3) CHECK READING LIST (1) Marsha Sinetar, American educator, corporate advisor, and writer (late 20th century) READ QUOTES (2) Isaac Bashevis Singer, American (Polish-born) novelist and short story writer (1904 - 1991) CHECK READING LIST (1) June Singer, American doctor Peter Singer, American (Australian-born) philosopher and animal rights activist (1946 - ) Mary Montgomerie Singleton, Baronness Currie (Violet Fane), English poet (1843 - 1905) Ben Sira (Syra), Jewish sage, scribe, scholar and aphorist ("Wisdom of Ben Sira") (2nd century BC) READ QUOTES (3) Jean Sirmond, French Latin poet (1589? - 1649) READ QUOTES (2) Jean Charles Sismondi, Swiss historian (1773 - 1842) READ QUOTES (2) Charles Hubert Sisson, English poet (1914 - 2003) Sitting Bull (originally Tatanka Iyotake), Native American Indian (Sioux) leader Edith Sitwell, English poet (1887 - 1964) READ QUOTES (3) Osbert Sitwell, English author (1892 - 1969) Sivananda, Indian physician and sage (1887 - 1963) Siward ("The Strong"), Earl of Northumberland, Danish warrior (? - 1055) Sixtus IV, Italian pope (1414 - 1484) Sixtus V (Felix Peretti), Italian pope (1521 - 1590) READ QUOTES (1) Walter William Skeat, English philologist and clergyman (1835 - 1912) John Skelton, English satirical poet (1460 - 1529) READ QUOTES (11) Philip Skelton, Irish divine (1707 - 1787) Red Skelton, American comedian and actor (1913 - 1997) B.F. Skinner, American psychologist (1904 - 1990) READ QUOTES (1) Cornelia Otis Skinner, American actress and author (1901 - 1979) READ QUOTES (1) Mikhail Skobeleff, Russian general (1844 - 1882) READ QUOTES (2) Mrs. Nesta Shakespeare Higginson Skrine (used pseudonym Moira O'Neill), Irish-Canadian poet (1870's - 1920's?) [see O'Neill] W.M. Slater, no available biographical information David R. Slavitt (used pseudonym Henry Sutton), American poet and novelist (1935 - ) [see Sutton] Sam Slick (pseudonym of Thomas Chandler Haliburton), Canadian (Nova Scotia) jurist and author (1796 - 1865) [see Haliburton] Alfred P. Sloan, Jr., American auto executive (1875 - 1966) Gillian Slovo, South African writer (1952 - ) Dean Sluyter, American meditation instructor and film critic (late 20th century) READ QUOTES (1)
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