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Labor (105) [Also see Action Business Deeds Diligence Effort Employment Industry Occupations
           Perseverance Prayer Slavery Strikes Toil Unions Work Zeal]

Labor Day (14) [Also see Holidays Strikes]
Laborer [See Labor Work]
Ladies (8) [Also see Gentlemen Women]
Lambs (1) [Also see Animals Mammals Sheep]
Lamentation [See Mourning Weeping]
Land (3) [Also see Earth Sea Water World]
Landmarks [See Monuments]
Landscape (10)
Lanes [See Roads]
Language (69) [Also see Accent Conversation Dictionaries Eloquence English Expression Linguists
           Loquacity Metaphors Names Oratory Punctuation Rhetoric Sighs Silence Speech Style Symbols
           Talk Talking Tongue Voice Wit Words Writing]

Languor [See Sloth]
Lapwings (4) [Also see Animals Birds]
Largeness [See Greatness Littleness Size]
Largess [See Generosity]
Larks (30) [Also see Animals Birds]
Last (1) [Also see End First]
Last Words (22) [Also see Epitaphs]
Late (1) [Also see Delay Tardiness Time]
Latin [See Language]
Laudation [See Praise]
Laughter (122) [Also see Comedy Dimples Gaiety Happiness Humor Jesting Jokes Joy Levity Merriment
           Mirth Pleasure Ridicule Smiles Sobriety Tears Vivacity]

Laurel (2) [Also see Trees]
Law (227) [Also see Anarchy Authority Civil Disobedience Constitution Contracts Courts Crime
           Equality Equity Evidence Government Guilt Injustice Judges Judgment Juries Justice Lawyers
           Legal Maxims Legislation Mercy Murder Necessity Obedience Occupations Order Pardon Patents
           Police Politics Power Precedent Precepts Principles Prison Proof Punishment Rules Statesmanship

Laws of Life and Nature (508) [Also see Proverbs]
Lawyers (34) [Also see Counsel Courts Crime Evidence Judges Juries Justice Law]
Laxity [See Neglect]
Laziness (17) [Also see Idleness Sloth]
Leaders (15) [Also see Leadership Management Statesmen]
Leadership (20) [Also see Leaders Statesmanship]
League of Nations [See United Nations]
Learning (160) [Also see Books Education History Ignorance Instruction Intellect Knowledge
           Linguists Literature Memory Mind Pedantry Reading Scholarship Schools Science Self-improvement
           Students Study Teachers Teaching Understanding Wisdom]

Leather [See Clothes Cows]
Leaves [See Trees]
Lecture [See Speech]
Lee River (1) [Also see Rivers]
Leeches [See Insects]
Legacy [See Inheritance]
Legal Maxims (426) [Also see Law]
Legality (3) [Also see Illegality]
Legends [See Mythology]
Legislation (1) [Also see Law Politicians]
Legislatures (1) [Also see Government Statesmen]
Legs [See Body]
Leisure (25) [Also see Activity Delay Ease Idleness Indolence Procrastination Recreation Repose
           Rest Retirement Sabbath Sloth Solitude Time Work]

Lemons (1) [Also see Fruits Trees]
Lending (6) [Also see Borrowing Credit Help Interest Money]
Leniency [See Capital Punishment Clemency Compassion Cruelty Forbearance Forgiveness Gentleness Good Nature
           Indulgence Kindness Lenity Magnanimity Mercy Moderation Pardon Patience Toleration]

Lenity (2) [Also see Mercy]
Lent (7)
Lethargy [See Indifference]
Letters (25) [Also see Absence Biography Books Communication Correspondence Ink Pen Post Writing]
Levelers [See Anarchy Aristocracy Communism Democracy Equality Republic Socialism]
Leven River (1) [Also see Rivers Scotland]
Levity (4) [Also see Frivolity Gravity Inconstancy Irreverence Jeering Jesting Laughter Nonsense
           Ridicule Satire Sneer Wit]

Liars (1) [Also see Credulity Dishonesty Lies Lying]
Libel [See Calumny Ridicule Rumor Slander]
Liberal (6) [Also see Broad-mindedness Conservative Liberality Narrow-mindedness Politicians]
Liberalism [See Conservatism Conservatives Liberals]
Liberality (17) [Also see Benefit Charity Generosity Gifts Goodness Kindness Liberal Philanthropy

Liberalness [See Liberal]
Liberals (4) [Also see Conservatism Conservatives]
Liberty (127) [Also see Bachelors Choice Democracy Equality Freedom Government Independence
           Patriotism Politics Republic Revolution Right Rights Slavery Soldiers Unity War]

Libraries (39) [Also see Authorship Books Literature Pen Reading Writing]
Lice (1)
License (4)
Licentiousness [See Abstinence Anarchy Chastity Harlot Indiscretion Indulgence Lust Sensuality Vice Voluptuousness]
Lick [See Tongue]
Lies (9) [Also see Credulity Liars Lying Truth]
Life (639) [Also see Acting Action Adventure Autobiography Biography Birth Birthday Circumstance
           Cleanliness Compensation Creation Death Decay Destiny Doctrine Energy Events Evolution
           Existence Experience Failure Fate Graves Growth Health Humanity Immortality Living Man
           Meaning of Life Men Monuments Mortality Mutability Nature Opportunity Parting Public
           Society Soul Spirit Success Suicide Taverns Vivacity Women World]

Light (71) [Also see Aurora Darkness Day Electricity Eyes Knowledge Morning Night Sight Sun
           Sunrise Sunset Twilight Understanding]

Lightning (3) [Also see Thunder]
Likeness [See Similarity]
Liking (3) [Also see Affection Preferment]
Lilacs (6) [Also see Flowers Plants]
Lilies (23) [Also see Flowers Plants]
Lilies-of-the-valley (6) [Also see Flowers Plants]
Limbs [See Trees]
Limits (8) [Also see Borders Definiteness]
Lincoln's Birthday (15) [Also see Holidays Lincoln, Abraham]
Lincoln, Abraham (20) [Also see America Government Lincoln's Birthday Presidency Right Rights

Linden (2) [Also see Trees]
Lineage [See Ancestry]
Lingerie (1) [Also see Clothes]
Lingering [See Delay]
Linguists (22) [Also see Conversation Education Language Learning Speech Words]
Linnets (5) [Also see Animals Birds]
Lions (9) [Also see Animals Mammals]
Lips (12) [Also see Mouth]
Liquor (8) [Also see Drinking Prohibition Temperance Toasts Wine and Spirits]
Listening (21) [Also see Audiences Hearing Sound Voice]
Listlessness [See Ennui]
Literature (68) [Also see Art Authorship Ballads Books Criticism Education Fables History
           Journalism Learning Libraries Mythology Novels Originality Pen Plagiarism Poetry Printing
           Prose Publishing Quotations Reading Story Telling Style Theatre Tragedy Writing]

Litigation [See Contention]
Littleness (3) [Also see Greatness Size Trifles]
Liveliness [See Vivacity]
Liver [See Body]
Livery (8) [Also see Horsemanship Horses Occupations]
Living (18) [Also see Life Meaning of Life]
Loafing [See Idleness Indolence Sloth]
Loathing [See Hatred]
Loaves [See Bread]
Logic (33) [Also see Argument Common Sense Fallacy Mathematics Metaphysics Method Mind Philosophy
           Proof Reason Rhetoric Science Sophistry Thought Truth]

Loitering [See Idleness]
London (13) [Also see Cities England Europe Thames River]
Loneliness (13) [Also see Alone Companionship Solitude]
Looks [See Appearance Beauty Character Countenance Dandy Dress Eyes Face Fashion Foppery Impression
           Manners Ornament Ostentation Physiognomy Ugliness]

Loquacity (15) [Also see Bores Dullness Eloquence Language Noise Oratory Rhetoric Silence
           Speech Talk Talking Tongue Words]

Lord [See God]
Losing (9) [Also see Baseball Competition Defeat Failure Football Sport Success Victory Winning]
Loss (23) [Also see Acquirement Adversity Affliction Disappointment Failure Gain Hurt Injury
           Lost Mourning Neglect Poverty Regret Want Waste]

Losses [See Compensation Sacrifice]
Lost (3) [Also see Loss]
Lot [See Destiny]
Lothario [See Bachelors Lovers]
Lotuses (10) [Also see Flowers Plants]
Loud [See Noise Quiet]
Love (952) [Also see Adore Affection Amity Babyhood Benefit Charity Childhood Compassion Consideration
           Constancy Courtship Desire Devotion Esteem Fancy Friends Friendship Gentleness Hatred
           Heart Husbands Infatuation Jealousy Kisses Love of Country Lovers Loyalty Lust Marriage
           Matrimony Mercy Motherhood Passion Patriotism Romance Seduction Sex Sighs Spring Tenderness
           Wives Women Wooing Youth]

Love Lies Bleeding (2) [Also see Flowers Plants]
Love of Country (29) [Also see Emigration Flags Love Loyalty Patriotism Soldiers War]
Loveliness (8)
Lovers (7) [Also see Bachelors Love]
Lowliness [See Humility]
Loyalty (12) [Also see Constancy Conviction Faithfulness Fidelity Friendship Love Love of Country
           Patriotism Royalty Treachery Treason]

Luck (47) [Also see Accident Cards Chance Change Choice Destiny Fate Fortune Gambling Gods
           Happiness Opportunity Purpose Success Vicissitudes Wagers]

Lucre [See Money]
Lunacy [See Insanity]
Lunch [See Breakfast Dining Dinner Eating]
Lust (19) [Also see Appetite Covetousness Desire Harlot Indifference Indulgence Love Passion
           Sex Temptation Voluptuousness]

Lute [See Music]
Luxury (36) [Also see Eating Elegance Extravagance Fashion Festivities Indulgence Intemperance
           Money Ornament Ostentation Pleasure Possession Poverty Prosperity Riches Satiety Sensuality
           Superfluity Vanity Voluptuousness Wealth]

Lying (115) [Also see Artifice Calumny Credulity Deceit Dishonesty Equivocation Falsehood Faults
           Fraud Hypocrisy Liars Lies Malice Mischief Oaths Pretension Scandal Slander Swearing
           Treachery Treason]

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