Pacification (1) [Also see Appeasement Pacifism Peace War]
Pacifism (2) [Also see Pacification Peace War]
Pagan (6) [Also see Religion]
Pain (51) [Also see Aches Affliction Comfort Cruelty Disease Grief Hell Injury Misery Pleasure
Punishment Sickness Sorrow Suffering Unhappiness Woe Wounds]
Painters (5) [Also see Art Artists Painting]
Painting (63) [Also see Art Artists Caricature Occupations Painters Pictures]
Palm (5) [Also see Trees]
Pampering [See Indulgence]
Panic (2) [Also see Courage Cowardice Depression Fear Mob Prosperity]
Pansies (15) [Also see Flowers Plants]
Parables [See Fables]
Paradise (24) [Also see Angels Delight Eternity Future Futurity Glory Happiness Heaven Hell
Paradoxes (6) [Also see Epigrams Humor Jesting Nonsense]
Paranoia (1) [Also see Insanity Madness Sanity]
Pardon (27) [Also see Clemency Compassion Forgiveness Grace Knowledge Law Mercy Punishment
Parenthood (11) [Also see Fatherhood Motherhood]
Parents (29) [Also see Ancestry Birth Children Family Fathers Mothers Youth]
Paris (4) [Also see Cities Europe France]
Parity [See Equality]
Parody [See Humor Nonsense Paradoxes Satire Wit]
Parsimony [See Misers]
Partiality (5) [Also see Bias Bigotry Equality Injustice]
Participation (1) [Also see Activity Cooperation Partnerships Teamwork]
Parting (60) [Also see Absence Banishment Death Farewell Greeting Kisses Life Meeting Separation
Partnerships (1) [Also see Business Cooperation Corporations Participation Teamwork]
Partridges (4) [Also see Animals Birds]
Party (13) [Also see Election Day Faction Government Independence Minority Organization Politics
Prejudice Sects]
Passion (118) [Also see Anger Appetite Desire Emotion Enthusiasm Equanimity Excitement Feeling
Hatred Impulse Indifference Love Lust Quarrels Rage Resentment Revenge Spirit Temper
Temptation Zeal]
Passion Flowers (1) [Also see Flowers Plants]
Past (89) [Also see Age Antiquity Beginnings Contemplation Forgetfulness Future History Memory
Present Reflection Regret Remembrance Retrospection Ruins Time Today Tomorrow Yesterday
Pastors [See Clergy Clergymen Installation Service Ministers Priests]
Patents (1) [Also see Invention Law]
Paternity [See Parents]
Pathos [See Pity]
Paths [See Roads]
Patience (108) [Also see Constancy Endurance Forbearance Fortitude Good Nature Humility Impatience
Magnanimity Perseverance Resignation Rest Waiting]
Patriotism (129) [Also see America Citizenship Decoration Day Democracy Duty Flags Freedom
Glory Government Heroes Heroism Independence Liberty Love Love of Country Loyalty Nation
Nationalism Navy Peace Politics Right Rights Sacrifice Soldiers Treason War Washington, George]
Pauperism [See Poverty]
Peace (149) [Also see Calmness Contention Contentment Equanimity Harmony Home Military Navy
Order Pacification Pacifism Patriotism Quiet Repose Rest Silence Sleep Soldiers Statesmanship
Union Unity War World Peace]
Peaches (3) [Also see Fruits Trees]
Peacocks (7) [Also see Animals Birds]
Pearls (5) [Also see Jewels Oysters]
Pears (3) [Also see Fruits Trees]
Peas, Sweet (2) [Also see Plants Vegetables]
Peculiarity [See Eccentricity]
Pedantry (18) [Also see Bigotry Bores Dogmatism Knowledge Learning Ostentation Sophistry Wisdom]
Pedigree (1) [Also see Ancestry]
Pelicans (6) [Also see Animals Birds]
Pen (31) [Also see Authorship Books Ink Journalism Letters Libraries Literature News Penmanship
Press Publishing Writing]
Penance [See Retribution]
Penetration (2) [Also see Discernment]
Penitence (6) [Also see Repentance]
Penmanship (1) [Also see Pen Writing]
Penury [See Poverty]
People (23) [Also see Crowd Culture Humanity Man Mob Nation Public Society]
Pep [See Energy]
Perception (16) [Also see Appreciation Discernment Discovery Dullness Eyes Foresight Hindsight
Instinct Intelligence Intuition Judgment Mind Observation Sense Senses Sight Tact Taste
Perdition [See Hell]
Perfection (47) [Also see Blessedness Character Christ Christ (Saviour) Death of Christ Excellence
God Goodness Growth Ideals Imperfection Impossibility Merit Purity Resurrection of Christ
Sublimity Success Worth]
Perfidy [See Treachery]
Performance (4) [Also see Accomplishments Achievement Applause Audiences Effects Execution]
Perfume (18)
Perils (2) [Also see Accident Danger Evil Safety War]
Perjury (1) [Also see Dishonesty Oaths Vows]
Perpetuity (1) [Also see Continuity End Eternity]
Perplexity [See Obscurity]
Persecution (19) [Also see Cruelty Force Injustice Intolerance Murder Oppression Slavery]
Perseverance (63) [Also see Ability Constancy Courage Decision Diligence Effort Endurance
Impatience Industry Labor Obstinacy Patience Persistence Purpose Resolution Strength
Success Tenacity Work]
Persistence (7) [Also see Perseverance]
Personality (4) [Also see Character Ego Egotism Individuality]
Perspicacity [See Discernment]
Perspiration [See Work]
Persuasion (5) [Also see Argument Influence Oratory Reason]
Pertinacity [See Obstinacy]
Peru [See Countries]
Perverseness (13) [Also see Absurdity Disobedience Docility Ill-nature Obstinacy Opposition
Rebellion Self-will Wickedness]
Pessimism (8) [Also see Cheerfulness Cynics Despondency Melancholy Misanthropy Moroseness
Optimism Pessimists]
Pessimists (4) [Also see Pessimism]
Pestilence [See Disease]
Pests [See Bores]
Pettiness [See Meanness]
Petulance [See Ill-nature]
Pharisaism [See Hypocrisy]
Pheasants (3) [Also see Birds]
Phenomena [See Facts]
Philadelphia (2) [Also see Cities]
Philandering [See Inconstancy]
Philanthropy (42) [Also see Beggary Benefit Benevolence Charity Disinterestedness Generosity
Gifts Goodness Help Humanity Kindness Liberality Mercy Misanthropy Pity Service Sympathy
Philistinism [See Vulgarity]
Philosophers (5) [Also see Mind Philosophy]
Philosophy (79) [Also see Argument Belief Logic Metaphysics Mind Opinion Philosophers Poetry
Reason Resignation Science Speculation Theories]
Photography (9) [Also see Art Journalism]
Phrenology (1) [Also see Head Medicine Mind Science]
Physic (1) [Also see Medicine Physicians]
Physicians (16) [Also see Cure Disease Doctors Health Medicine Mind Physic Psychiatry Quackery
Quacks Sickness Wounds]
Physics (14) [Also see Atomic Bombs Gravity Science]
Physiognomy (22) [Also see Beauty Countenance Eyes Face]
Physique [See Body]
Piano [See Music]
Pictures (6) [Also see Painting]
Piety (25) [Also see Atheism Devotion Goodness Holiness Prayer Profanity Religion Reverence
Saints Worship]
Pigeons (5) [Also see Animals Birds]
Pilgrims (1)
Pine (11) [Also see Trees]
Pinks (3) [Also see Flowers Plants]
Pique [See Resentment]
Pity (62) [Also see Clemency Compassion Consolation Cruelty Humanity Kindness Mercy Philanthropy
Self-pity Sympathy Tears Understanding]
Place [See Aristocracy Circumstance Nobility Office Rank]
Placidity [See Equanimity]
Plagiarism (52) [Also see Authorship Books Borrowing Criticism Dishonesty Imitation Journalism
Literature Originality Poetry Quotations Shakespeare Thieving Writing]
Plague (1)
Planets (1) [Also see Astronomy Earth Venus]
Planning (7) [Also see Method Purpose]
Plants (1) [Also see Compass Plant Flowers Grass Herbage Herbs Holly Ivy Mushrooms Myrtle
Peas, Sweet Reeds Sensitive Plants Shamrocks Thistles Thorn Trees Vines]
Play (3) [Also see Recreation]
Plays (1) [Also see Acting Opera Stage]
Pleasantry [See Humor]
Pleasing (5) [Also see Charm Cheerfulness Complacency Gladness Good Nature Gratitude Offense
Pleasure (126) [Also see Amusements Bliss Cheerfulness Comfort Contentment Delight Enjoyment
Festivities Fun Happiness Indulgence Joy Laughter Luxury Merriment Pain Pleasing Recreation
Smiles Voluptuousness]
Plenty [See Prosperity]
Plodding [See Perseverance]
Plot [See Conspiracy]
Pluck [See Courage]
Pluto [See Planets]
Po River (1) [Also see Italy Rivers]
Poetry (214) [Also see Art Authorship Ballads Books Criticism Fancy Imagination Literature
Music Philosophy Plagiarism Poets Prose Quotations Reading Romance Shakespeare Songs
Style Words Writing]
Poets (160) [Also see Authors Burns, Robert Fancy Holmes, Oliver Wendell Homer Imagination
Milton, John Poetry Sandburg, Carl Shakespeare Songs Visions Wordsworth, William Writers]
Poise [See Equanimity]
Poison (13) [Also see Crime Death Killing Murder Suicide]
Poker (2) [Also see Cards Gambling]
Poland (1) [Also see Countries Europe]
Polemism [See Argument Controversy Ideology]
Police (2) [Also see Authority Law]
Policy (26) [Also see Caution Discretion Expediency Government Impulse Method Politics Prudence
Purpose Statesmanship Strategy Tact War Wisdom]
Polish [See Elegance]
Politeness (67) [Also see Civility Complacency Good Breeding Impertinence Incivility Manners
Refinement Rudeness]
Political Economy (5) [Also see Economy Politics]
Politicians (11) [Also see Conservative Elections Government Legislation Liberal Politics
Politics (205) [Also see America Bribery Corruption Democracy Dictatorship Diplomacy Election Day
Faction Fanaticism Gold Government Independence Law Liberty Majority Minority Mob Office
Party Patriotism Policy Political Economy Politicians Public Public Trust Radicalism
Republicans Royalty Statesmanship Strategy Suffrage Taxation Tyranny War World Peace]
Pollution (1) [Also see Corruption Environment]
Pomp [See Ostentation]
Pope (1) [Also see Christianity Installation Service Priests Religion]
Poplar (1) [Also see Trees]
Poppies (16) [Also see Flowers Plants]
Populace [See Aristocracy Majority Man Mediocrity Mob Nation People Public Society States Vulgarity]
Popularity (57) [Also see Applause Compliments Disgrace Fame Praise Reputation Success]
Population [See Abortion Birth Birth Control Humanity Overpopulation]
Pornography (1) [Also see Decency]
Porpoises (1) [Also see Animals Fish Mammals]
Portrait [See Painting]
Posing [See Pretension]
Position (12) [Also see Aristocracy Circumstance Nobility Office Power Rank Success]
Positiveness (5) [Also see Bigotry Confidence Decision Dogmatism Doubt Fanaticism Firmness
Oaths Resolution]
Possession (70) [Also see Acquirement Avarice Gain Gold Inheritance Luxury Misers Moderation
Money Ownership Poverty Property Prosperity Riches Right Rights Success Wealth]
Possibility (2) [Also see Impossibility Potential Probability Success]
Post (38) [Also see Communication Letters News Valentines]
Posterity (30) [Also see Ancestry Birth Children Fame Futurity Heirs Monuments]
Postponement [See Delay]
Potatoes [See Vegetables]
Potential (4) [Also see Possibility]
Potomac River (2) [Also see Rivers Washington, D.C.]
Pottery (12) [Also see Occupations Sculpture]
Pouting [See Crying Discontent Tears Weeping]
Poverty (180) [Also see Adversity Beggary Dependence Depression Desolation Economy Frugality
Hardship Hunger Loss Luxury Money Necessity Obscurity Possession Property Prosperity
Riches Superfluity Want Wealth]
Power (152) [Also see Ability Authority Commanders Control Efficiency Empire Energy Force Government
Greatness Influence Kings Knowledge Law Masters Mind Office Omnipotence Position Resolution
Royalty Strength Success Weakness Will]
Powerless (1)
Practicality [See Usefulness]
Practice (12) [Also see Experience]
Prague (1) [Also see Cities]
Praise (121) [Also see Abuse Admiration Adulation Applause Censure Commendation Compliments
Criticism Curses Encouragement Eulogy Fame Flattery Glory Names Popularity Prayer Religion
Reproof Ridicule Sarcasm Slander Worship]
Prattle [See Babblers]
Prayer (269) [Also see Churches Devotion Doctrine God Influence Labor Piety Praise Preaching
Redemption Religion Repentance Reverence Sabbath Self-reliance Theology Work Worship]
Preaching (133) [Also see Advice Churches Eloquence Installation Service Instruction Ministers
Occupations Oratory Prayer Religion Sermon Teaching Theology Worship]
Precaution [See Forethought]
Precedent (9) [Also see Authority Custom Example History Innovation Law Principles Tradition]
Precepts (9) [Also see Advice Counsel Creed Doctrine Example Law Maxims Principles Proverbs (General)
Rules Teaching]
Precision [See Accuracy]
Precocity (3) [Also see Genius]
Predestination [See Destiny Inevitable]
Predictable (2) [Also see Foresight Predictions Prophecy (Prophesy)]
Predictions (1) [Also see Predictable]
Predilection [See Inclination]
Preface [See Books End Literature Writing]
Preference (1) [Also see Choice]
Preferment (3) [Also see Liking Office]
Prejudice (74) [Also see Belief Bias Bigotry Contempt Discrimination Discussion Equality Fanaticism
Integration Intolerance Justice Mind Monomania Opinion Party Race Racism Sentiment Zeal]
Preparation (5) [Also see Readiness]
Preparedness [See War]
Present (41) [Also see Antiquity Futurity Gifts Past Time Today]
Presents [See Generosity Gifts]
Presidency (18) [Also see Bush, George Walker Lincoln, Abraham Statesmanship Washington, George
Watergate Wilson, Woodrow]
Presidents [See Bush, George Walker Kennedy, John Lincoln, Abraham Nixon, Richard Presidency Washington, George
Wilson, Woodrow]
Press (14) [Also see Authorship Censorship Journalism News Pen Printing Publicity Publishing
Presumption (5) [Also see Audacity Confidence Daring Impudence Pride Self-love]
Pretending (1)
Pretension (25) [Also see Affectation Boasting Cant Conceit Dishonesty Falsehood Fraud Insincerity
Lying Modesty Ostentation Quackery Snobs Vanity]
Prevarication [See Dishonesty Lying]
Prevention [See Caution Forbidden Forethought Help Opposition Prohibition Prudence]
Price (2) [Also see Bargain Value Worth]
Pride (152) [Also see Arrogance Boasting Conceit Contempt Dignity Egotism Humility Meekness
Ostentation Presumption Self-conceit Self-love Self-praise Self-respect Selfishness
Shame Snobs Vanity]
Priests (1) [Also see Churches Clergy Clergymen Installation Service Ministers Nuns Pope]
Primroses (11) [Also see Flowers Plants]
Principles (27) [Also see Belief Character Conscience Conviction Creed Doctrine Expediency
Facts Fidelity Honor Law Martyrs Maxims Morality Motive Opinion Precedent Precepts Theories
Printing (22) [Also see Authorship Books Journalism Literature Occupations Press Publishing]
Prison (22) [Also see Crime Guilt Judgment Justice Law Punishment Vice Wickedness]
Privacy (8) [Also see Solitude]
Privation [See Poverty]
Privilege (1) [Also see Aristocracy Status]
Probability (7) [Also see Impossibility Mathematics Possibility Prophecy (Prophesy) Statistics
Probity [See Integrity]
Problems (22) [Also see Difficulties Hardship Solutions Trouble]
Procedure [See Method]
Proclivity [See Inclination]
Procrastination (35) [Also see Delay Hesitation Leisure Neglect Sloth Time Tomorrow Waiting]
Prodigality [See Avarice Economy Extravagance Gambling Improvidence Luxury Misers Rashness Recklessness
Production (1) [Also see Business Economics Industry]
Profanity (16) [Also see Blasphemy Curses Oaths Piety Reverence Swearing]
Professionals (2) [Also see Experts]
Proficiency [See Ability]
Profit (2) [Also see Advantage Business Gain Money Profitless]
Profitless (1) [Also see Profit]
Profligacy [See Depravity]
Progress (117) [Also see Ambition Change Civilization Creation Evolution Experience Futurity
Growth Improvement Reform Self-improvement Success]
Prohibition (13) [Also see Abstinence Drinking Forbidden Liquor Sobriety Temperance Water
Wine and Spirits]
Promises (35) [Also see Debt Forgetfulness Futurity Hope Intention Oaths Obligation Quarrels
Resolution Swearing Threats Vows Words]
Promotion [See Advertisements Advertising]
Promptness (4) [Also see Delay Haste Punctuality]
Proof (9) [Also see Decision Evidence Fallacy Law Logic Theories]
Propaganda [See Publicity]
Propensity [See Inclination]
Property (14) [Also see Acquirement Avarice Money Ownership Possession Poverty Prosperity
Riches Wealth]
Prophecy (Prophesy) (26) [Also see Anticipation Astrology Futurity Imagination Invention Oracle
Predictable Probability Visions Wonder]
Prophets (3)
Propinquity [See Familiarity]
Proposals (16) [Also see Courtship]
Propriety (1) [Also see Etiquette Manners Morality]
Prose (2) [Also see Literature Poetry Quotations]
Prosperity (65) [Also see Adversity Affluence Depression Fortune Gain Inheritance Luxury Money
Panic Possession Poverty Property Riches Success Wealth]
Prostitute [See Harlot Prostitution]
Prostitution (1)
Protest (2) [Also see Agitation Civil Disobedience]
Protestantism [See Christianity Churches Creed Ministers Religion Sects Worship]
Proverbial Phrases (865) [Also see Catchphrases Old Sayings Proverbs Proverbs (General)]
Proverbs (20683) [Also see Catchphrases Laws of Life and Nature Old Sayings Proverbial Phrases
Proverbs (General)]
Proverbs (General) (39) [Also see Anecdotes Aphorisms Apothegms Catchphrases Epigrams Maxims
Old Sayings Precepts Proverbial Phrases Proverbs Quotations]
Providence (87) [Also see Chance Christ Christ (Saviour) Christianity Death of Christ Destiny
Economy Fate Forethought Fortune Frugality God Gods Improvidence Prudence Religion Resurrection of Christ
Retribution Success War]
Prowess [See Ability]
Proximity [See Familiarity]
Prudence (95) [Also see Advice Care Carefulness Caution Choice Circumspection Common Sense
Conservatism Consideration Counsel Discretion Economy Expediency Forethought Frugality
Indiscretion Intelligence Policy Providence Reflection Safety Self-control Sense Watchfulness
Prudery (11) [Also see Modesty]
Prying [See Inquisitiveness]
Psychiatry (2) [Also see Physicians Psychology]
Psychoanalysis [See Madness]
Psychology (8) [Also see Association Emotion Feeling Freud, Sigmund Insanity Intellect Madness
Memory Mind Psychiatry Reason Sanity Science Soul Spirit]
Puberty [See Youth]
Public (64) [Also see Acting Democracy Life Man Mob Nation People Politics Public Trust Society
States Voice World]
Public Opinion (6) [Also see Opinion]
Public Safety (1) [Also see Safety]
Public Trust (15) [Also see Bribery Corruption Government Honesty Politics Public Trust]
Publicity (1) [Also see Advertisements Advertising Agitation Boasting News Press Secrecy]
Publishers (1) [Also see Authors Books Editors Journalists Publishing Writers]
Publishing (4) [Also see Authorship Books Criticism Journalism Literature Occupations Pen
Press Printing Publishers]
Pugnacity [See Contention]
Pumpkins (3) [Also see Harvest Thanksgiving Day Vegetables]
Pun (3) [Also see Humor Jesting Wit Witticisms]
Punctilio [See Etiquette]
Punctuality (12) [Also see Delay Haste Promptness]
Punctuation (2) [Also see Language Writing]
Punishment (114) [Also see Capital Punishment Crime Cruelty Death Devil Discipline Execution
Gibbets Guillotine Guilt Hell Judgment Justice Law Mercy Pain Pardon Prison Redemption
Results Retaliation Retribution Revenge Reward Scaffold Thieving Wickedness]
Puritanism (2) [Also see Ideology Religion]
Purity (32) [Also see Blushes Chastity Cleanliness Corruption Decency Delicacy Holiness Innocence
Maidenhood Modesty Perfection Saints Virtue Women]
Purple [See Colors Gray]
Purpose (11) [Also see Accident Ambition Aspiration Decision Direction Idealism Intention
Irresolution Luck Meaning of Life Motive Perseverance Planning Policy Resolution Will]
Purse (3)
Pursuit [See Anticipation Courtship Expectation Satiety Suspense]
Pyramids [See Egypt Nile River]
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Last Revised: 2018 December 10
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