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A frequent intercourse and intimate connection between two persons make them so like, that not only their dispositions are moulded like each other, but their very face and tone of voice contract a certain analogy. - Pope Agapet My friends! There are no friends. - Aristotle Bad company is like a nail driven into a post, which, after the first or second blow, may be drawn out with little difficulty; but being once driven up to the head, the pincers cannot take hold to draw it out, but which can only be done by the destruction of the wood. - Saint Aurelius Augustine (Augustine of Hippo) Costly followers are not to be liked; lest while a man maketh his train longer, he makes his wings shorter. - Francis Bacon It is good discretion not to make too much of any man at the first; because one cannot hold out that proportion. - Francis Bacon He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed. - Bible, Proverbs (ch. XIII, v. 20) Constant companionship is not enjoyable, any more than constant eating. We sit too long at the table of friendship, when we outsit our appetites for each other's thoughts. - Christian Nestell Bovee A man--be the heavens ever praised!--is sufficient for himself. - Thomas Carlyle Choose the company of your superiors whenever you can have it. - 4th Earl of Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope No man can possibly improve in any company for which he has not respect enough to be under some degree of restraint. - 4th Earl of Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope Those who consent to the act and those who do it shall be equally punished. - Lord Edward Coke He that can enjoy the intimacy of the great, and on no occasion disgust them by familiarity, or disgrace himself by servility, proves that he is as perfect a gentleman by nature as his companions are by rank. - Charles Caleb Colton In all societies, it is advisable to associate if possible with the highest; not that the highest are always the best, but because, if disgusted there, we can at any time descend; but if we begin with the lowest, to ascend is impossible. - Charles Caleb Colton It is adverse to talent to be consorted and trained up with inferior minds and inferior companions, however high they may rank. The foal of the racer neither finds out his speed nor calls out his powers if pastured out with the common herd, that are destined for the collar and the yoke. - Charles Caleb Colton No company is far preferable to bad, because we are more apt to catch the vices of others than their virtues, as disease is far more contagious than health. - Charles Caleb Colton When we live habitually with the wicked, we become necessarily either their victim or their disciple; when we associate, on the contrary, with virtuous men, we form ourselves in imitation of their virtues, or, at least, lose every day something of our faults. - Charles Caleb Colton Friends are good,--good, if well chosen. - Daniel Defoe A man should live with his superiors as he does with his fire,--not too near, lest he burn; nor too far off, lest he freeze. - Laertius Diogenes It is hard to mesmerize ourselves, to whip our own top; but through sympathy we are capable of energy and endurance. Concert fires people to a certain fury of performance they can rarely reach alone. - Ralph Waldo Emerson Nothing is more deeply punished than the neglect of the affinities by which alone society should be formed, and the insane levity of choosing associates by others' eyes. - Ralph Waldo Emerson Associate with men of judgment, for judgment is found in conversation, and we make another man's judgment ours by frequenting his company. - Thomas Fuller (1) It is best to be with those in time that we hope to be with in eternity. - Thomas Fuller (1) We make others' judgment our own by frequenting their society. - Thomas Fuller (1) Keep good company, and you shall be of the number. - George Herbert Those who are unacquainted with the world take pleasure in the intimacy of great men; those who are wiser dread the consequences. - Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus) Displaying page 1 of 2 for this topic: Next >> [1] 2
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