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I like brevity. Undisciplined people write long; they don't bother to edit--mostly because they have no idea what they want say. When Brian DePalma and I were working on "Body Double" together he said to me, "If you can't say it in 90 minutes, then you shouldn't bother saying it at all. - Robert J. Avrech Rather to excite your judgment briefly than to inform it tediously. - Francis Bacon Brevity and conciseness are the parents of correction. - Hosea Ballou It is safe to make a choice of your thoughts, scarcely ever safe to express them all. - Isaac Barrow You may get a large amount of truth into a brief space. - Henry Ward Beecher The more an idea is developed, the more concise becomes its expression; the more a tree is pruned, the better is the fruit. - Alfred Bougeart Brevity is very good, when we are, or are not, understood. - Samuel Butler (1) Cervantes speaks of potted wisdom as "short sentences drawn from a long experience." - Charles Buxton Concentration alone conquers. - Charles Buxton Brevity is a great praise of eloquence. - Cicero (Marcus Tullius Cicero) (often called "Tully" for short) Brevity is the best recommendation of a speech, not only in the case of a senator, but in that, too; of an orator. - Cicero (Marcus Tullius Cicero) (often called "Tully" for short) The Grecian's maxim would indeed be a sweeping clause in literature; it would reduce many a giant to a pygmy, many a speech to a sentence, and many a folio to a primer. - Charles Caleb Colton A parsimony of words prodigal of sense. - Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield Never be so brief as to become obscure. - Tryon Edwards The one prudence in life is concentration. - Ralph Waldo Emerson A sentence well couched takes both the sense and understanding. I love not those cart-rope speeches that are longer than the memory of man can fathom. - Owen Felltham (Feltham) The more you say, the less people remember. The fewer the words, the greater the profit. - Francois de Salignac Fenelon Brevity never fatigues; therefore, brevity is always a welcome guest. - Pierre Jules Theophile Gautier Good things, when short, are twice as good. - Baltasar Gracian (used pseudonym Lorenzo Gracian) And there's one rare strange virtue in their speeches, The secret of their mastery--they are short. - Fitz-Greene Halleck A verse may finde him who a sermon flies, And turn delight into a sacrifice. - George Herbert, The Temple--The Church Porch Aiming at brevity, I become obscure. - Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus) Whatever precepts you give, be short. - Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus) I saw one excellency was within my reach--it was brevity and I determined to obtain it. - John Jay Was there ever anything written by mere man that was wished longer by its readers, excepting Don Quixote, Robinson Crusoe and the Pilgrim's Progress? - Samuel Johnson (a/k/a Dr. Johnson) ("The Great Cham of Literature") Displaying page 1 of 3 for this topic: Next >> [1] 2 3
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