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The nearer the church, the further from God. - Bishop Lancelot Andrews (Andrewes), Sermon on the Nativity Before James I A little thing will keep them from the house of God who have no desire to go to it. - James H. Aughey In the Church of Christ one little worker can mar the whole by failing to fulfill his office. There is a place for each. Find your place if you are not already in it, and obey the Saviour's command, "Go work in my vineyard"--the command of a king which you disobey at the peril of losing the reward of the faithful. - James H. Aughey Jesus organized the church, which is His vineyard. He commands all to go into the vineyard and work. All who are united to Christ by faith, and are thus members of His mystical body, should be members of His visible church. - James H. Aughey The church is made up of individuals. It can do nothing except as its members work, and work together. - James H. Aughey The church is not a select circle of the immaculate, but a home where the outcast may come in. It is not a palace with gate attendants and challenging sentinels along the entrance-ways holding off at arm's-length the stranger, but rather a hospital where the broken-hearted may be healed, and where all the weary and troubled may find rest and take counsel together. - James H. Aughey The mission of the Church is to seek and to save them that are lost. - James H. Aughey Where Christ erecteth his church, the divell in the same church-yarde will have his chappell. - Richard Bancroft, Anti-Puritan Sermon The clearest window that ever was fashioned if it is barred by spiders' webs, and hung over with carcasses of insects, so that the sunlight has forgotten to find its way through, of what use can it be? Now, the Church is God's window; and if it is so obscured by errors that its light is darkness, how great is that darkness! - Henry Ward Beecher There ought to be such an atmosphere in every Christian church that a man going there and sitting two hours should take the contagion of heaven, and carry home a fire to kindle the altar whence he came. - Henry Ward Beecher Oh! St. Patrick was a gentleman, Who came of decent people; He built a church in Dublin town, And on it put a steeple. - Henry Bennett, St. Patrick Was a Gentleman And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. - Bible, Matthew (ch. VII, v. 25) To support those of your rights authorized by Heaven, destroy everything rather than yield; that is the spirit of the Church. [Fr., Pour soutenir tes droits, que le ciel autorise, Abime tout plutot; c'est l'esprit de l'Eglise.] - Nicolas Boileau-Despreaux, Lutrin (chant I, 185) Surely the church is a place where one day's truce ought to be allowed to the dissensions and animosities of mankind. - Edmund Burke Where God hath a temple, the devil will have a chapel. - Robert Burton, Anatomy of Melancholy (pt. III, sec. IV, memb. 1, subsec. 1) Persecution has not crushed it, power has not beaten it back, time has not abated its force, and, what is most wonderful of all, the abuses and treasons of its friends have not shaken its stability. - Horace Bushnell An instinctive taste teaches men to build their churches in flat countries with spire steeples, which, as they cannot be referred to any other object, point as with silent finger to the sky and stars. - Samuel Taylor Coleridge, The Friend Steele has observed that there is this difference between the Church of Rome and the Church of England,--the one professes to be infallible, the other to be never in the wrong. - Charles Caleb Colton What is the average type of a counterfeit church? A hammock, attached on one side to the cross, and, on the other, held and swung to and fro by the forefinger of Mammon; its freight of nominal Christians elegantly moaning meanwhile over the evils of the times, and not at ease unless fanned by eloquence and music, and sprinkled by social adulations into perfumed, unheroic slumber. - Joseph Cook Built God a church and laughed His word to scorn. - William Cowper "What is a church?" Let Truth and reason speak, They would reply, "The faithful, pure and meek, From Christian folds, the one selected race, Of all professions, and in every place." - George Crabbe, The Borough (letter II, l. 1) "What is a church?"--Our honest sexton tells, 'Tis a tall building, with a tower and bells. - George Crabbe, The Borough (letter II, l. 11) Any church which forsakes the regular and uniform for the periodical and spasmodic service of God, is doomed to decay; any church which relies for its spiritual strength and growth entirely upon seasons of "revival," will very soon have no genuine revivals to rely on. Our holy God will not conform His blessings to man's moods and moral caprice. If a church is declining, it may require a "revival" to restore it; but what need was there of its declining? - Theodore Ledyard Cuyler Wherever God erects, a house of prayer, The Devil always builds a chapel there: And 'twill be found upon examination; The latter has the largest congregation. - Daniel Defoe Whenever God erects a house of prayer The devil always builds a chapel there; And 'twill be found, upon examination, The latter has the largest congregation. - Daniel Defoe, The True Born Englishman (pt. I, l. 1) Displaying page 1 of 4 for this topic: Next >> [1] 2 3 4
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