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Conduct is three-fourths of our life and its largest concern. - Matthew Arnold No books are so legible as the lives of men; no character so plain as their moral conduct. - James H. Aughey I would, God knows, in a poor woodman's hut Have spent my peaceful days, and shared my crust With her who would have cheer'd me, rather far Than on this throne; but being what I am, I'll be it nobly. - Joanna Baillie And let men so conduct themselves in life As to be always strangers to defeat. - Cicero (Marcus Tullius Cicero) (often called "Tully" for short) I have yet to meet a man as fond of high moral conduct as he is of outward appearances. - Confucius The conduct of men depends upon the temperament, not upon a bunch of musty maxims. - Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield As in walking it is your great care not to run your foot upon a nail, or to tread awry, and strain your leg; so let it be in all the affairs of human life, not to hurt your mind or offend your judgment. And this rule, if observed carefully in all your deportment, will be a mighty security to you in your undertakings. - Epictetus All the while thou livest ill, thou hast the trouble, distraction, inconveniences of life, but not the sweets and true use of it. - Thomas Fuller (1) It is not enough that you can form nay, and follow, the most excellent rules for conducting yourself in the world. You must also know when to deviate from them, and where lies the exception. - Sir Fulke Greville, 1st Baron Brooke, Lord Brooke The integrity of men is to be measured by their conduct,, not by their professions. - Junius (pseudonym, possibly of Sir Philip Francis) That conduct sometimes seems ridiculous, in the eyes of the world, the secret reasons for which, may, in reality, be wise and solid. - Francois Duc de la Rochefoucauld Only add Deeds to thy knowledge answerable, add faith, Add virtue, patience, temperance, add love, By name to come call'd charity, the soul Of all the rest; then wilt thou not be loath To leave this Paradise, but shall possess A Paradise within thee, happier far. - John Milton Only add Deeds to thy knowledge answerable, add faith, Add virtue, patience, temperance, add love, By name to come call'd charity, the soul Of all the rest: then wilt thou not be loath To leave this Paradise, but shalt possess A Paradise within thee, happier far. - John Milton To do evil is more within the reach of every man, in public as in private life, than to do good. - Samuel Parr A man, like a watch, is to be valued for his manner of going. - William Penn Those virtues which cost us dear prove that we love God; those which are easy to us prove that He loves us. - Jean-Antoine Petit-Senn I will govern my life, and my thoughts, as if the whole world were to see the one, and to read the other; for what does it signify to make anything a secret to my neighbor, when to God (who is the searcher of our hearts) all our privacies are open? - Seneca (Lucius Annaeus Seneca) Obey thy parents, keep thy word justly; swear not; commit not with man's sworn spouse; set not thy sweet heart on proud array. * * * Keep thy foot out of brothels, thy pen from lenders' books. - William Shakespeare Conduct is more convincing than language. - John Woolman
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