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Those that go up hill, use to bow, Their bodies forward, and stoop low To poise themselves, and sometimes creep, When th' way is difficult and steep: So those at court, that do address, By low ignoble offices, Can stoop at anything that's base, To wriggle into trust and grace, Are like to rise to greatness sooner, Than those that go by worth and honor. - Samuel Butler (1) A lazy, proud, unprofitable crew, The vermin gender'd from the rank corruption Of a luxurious state. - Richard Cumberland, Bishop of Peterborough (1) But there is one way in this country in which all men are created equal--there is one human institution that makes a pauper the equal of a Rockefeller, the stupid man the equal of an Einstein, and the ignorant man the equal of any college president. That institution, gentlemen, is a court. - Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird How many men Have spent their blood in their dear country's service, Yet now pine under want; while selfish slaves, That even would cut their throats whom now they fawn on, Like deadly locusts, eat the honey up, Which those industrious bees so hardly toil'd for. - Thomas Otway Fly from the court's pernicious neighborhood; Where innocence is sham'd, and blushing modesty Is made the scorner's jest; where hate, deceit, And deadly ruin wear the mask of beauty, And draw deluded fools with shows of pleasure. - Nicholas Rowe Live loath'd and long, Most smiling, smooth, detested parasites, Courteous destroyers, affable wolves, meek bears, You fools of fortune, trencher friends, time flies Cap and knee slaves, vapors, and minute jacks. - William Shakespeare Poor wretches that depend On greatness' favor, dream as I have done; Wake, and find nothing. - William Shakespeare The caterpillars of the commonwealth, Which I have sworn to weed and pluck away. - William Shakespeare See there he comes, th' exalted idol comes! The circle's form'd, and all his fawning slaves Devoutly bow to earth; from every mouth The nauseous flattery flows, which he returns With promises which die as soon as born. Vile intercourse, where virtue has no place! Frown but the monarch, all his glories fade; He mingles with the throng, outcast, undone, The pageant of a day; without one friend To soothe his tortur'd mind; all, all are fled, For though they bask'd in his meridian ray, The insects vanish as his beams decline. - William C. Somerville A court is an assemblage of noble and distinguished beggars. - Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Perigord Courts can give nothing to the wise and good, But scorn of pomp, and love of solitude. - Edward Young Men that would blush at being thought sincere, And feign, for glory, the few faults they went; That love a lie, where truth would pay as well; As if to them, vice shone her own reward. - Edward Young
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