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No man is happy without a delusion of some kind. Delusions are as necessary to our happiness as realities. - Christian Nestell Bovee The worst deluded are the self-deluded. - Christian Nestell Bovee Delusion produced not one mischief the less because it is universal. - Edmund Burke Delusions, like dreams, are dispelled by our awaking to the stern realities of life. - Alexander Robert Charles Dallas He had delusions of adequacy. - Walter Kerr You think a man to be your dupe; if he pretends to be so, who is the greatest dupe he or, you? - Jean de la Bruyere Were we perfectly acquainted with the object, we should never passionately desire it. - Francois Duc de la Rochefoucauld When our vices quit us, we flatter ourselves with the belief that it is we who quit them. - Francois Duc de la Rochefoucauld There is no self-delusion more fatal than that which makes the conscience dreamy with the anodyne of lofty sentiments, while the life is groveling and sensual. - James Russell Lowell
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