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[ Also see Cam River Countries Dee River English English Channel Europe Flags Great Britain London Thames River World Peace ]

Those pigmy tribes of Panton street,
  Those hardy blades, those hearts of oak,
    Obedient to a tyrant's yoke.
      - Unattributed Author,
        A Monstrous good Lounge (p. 5)

'T is liberty crowns Britannia's Isle,
  And makes her barren rocks and her bleak mountains smile.
      - Joseph Addison

Hail, land of bowmen! seed of those who scorn'd
  To stoop the neck to wide imperial Rome:
    O dearest half of Albion sea-walled.
      - Anonymous

England! my country, great and free!
  Heart of the world, I leap to thee!
      - Philip James Bailey, Festus
         (sc. The Surface, l. 376)

Let Pitt then boast of his victory to his nation of shopkeepers--(Nation Boutiquiere).
      - Bertrand Barere,
        said before the National Convention

In spite of their hats being very ugly, Goddam! I love the English.
  [Fr., Quoique leurs chapeaux sont bien laids,
    Goddam! j'aime les anglais.]
      - Pierre Jean de Beranger

This island is made mainly of coal and surrounded by fish. Only an organizing genius could produce a shortage of coal and fish at the same time.
      - Aneurin Bevan,
        in a speech at Blackpool as reported by the "Daily Herald" on May 25, 1945

Ah! the perfidious English!
  [Fr., Ah! la perfide Angleterre!]
      - Jacques Benigue Bossuet,
        Sermon on the Circumcision,
        preaching at Metz, quoted by Napoleon on leaving England for St. Helena

If I should die, think only this of me:
  That there's some corner of a foreign field
    That is forever England. There shall be
      In that rich earth a richer dust concealed;
        A dust whom England bore, shaped, made aware,
          Gave, once, her flowers to love, her ways to roam,
            A body of England's, breathing English air,
              Washed by the rivers, blest by suns of home.
      - Rupert Brooke, The Soldier

Oh, to be in England,
  Now that April's there,
    And whoever wakes in England
      Sees some morning, unaware,
        That the lowest boughs and the brushwood sheaf,
          Round the elm-tree bole are in tiny leaf
            While the chaffinch sings on the orchard bough
              In England--now.
      - Robert Browning, Home Thoughts from Abroad

The men of England--the men, I mean of light and leading in England.
      - Edmund Burke,
        Reflections on the Revolution in France

Be Britain still to Britain true,
  Amang oursels united;
    For never but by British hands,
      Maun British wrangs be righted.
      - Robert Burns

England is a paradise for women, and hell for horses: Italy is a paradise for horses, hell for women.
      - Robert Burton, Anatomy of Melancholy
         (pt. III, sec. III, memb. 1, subsect. 2)

Men of England! who inherit
  Rights that cost your sires their blood.
      - Thomas Campbell, Men of England

Britannia needs no bulwarks
  No towers along the steep;
    Her march is o'er the mountain wave,
      Her home is on the deep.
      - Thomas Campbell, Ye Mariners of England

In England three are sixty different religions, and only one sauce.
  [It., Il y en Angleterre soizante sectes religieuses differentes, et une seule sauce.]
      - Prince Francesco Caraccioli (Caracciolo)

Providence has given to the French the empire of the land, to the English that of the sea, to the Germans that of--the air!
      - Thomas Carlyle, Essays--Richter

A certain man has called us, "of all peoples the wisest in action," but he added, "the stupidest in speech."
      - Thomas Carlyle, The Nigger Question

Where are the rough brave Britons to be found
  With Hearts of Oak, so much of old renowned?
      - Mrs. Susannah Centlivre, Cruel Gift

England, a happy land we know,
  Where follies naturally grow,
    Where without culture they arise,
      And tow'r above the common size.
      - Charles Churchill

Be England what she will,
  With all her faults, she is my country still.
      - Charles Churchill, The Farewell

Bind her, grind her, burn her with fire,
  Cast her ashes into the sea,--
    She shall escape, she shall aspire,
      She shall arise to make men free;
        She shall arise in a sacred scorn,
          Lighting the lives that are yet unborn,
            Spirit supernal, splendor eternal,
      - Helen Gray Cone,
        Chant of Lover for England

'Tis a glorious charter, deny it who can,
  That's breathed in the words, "I'm an Englishman."
      - Eliza Cook, An Englishman

Poor England! thou art a devoted deer,
  Beset with every ill but that of fear.
    The nations hunt; all mock thee for a prey;
      They swarm around thee, and thou stand'st at bay.
      - William Cowper

England with all thy faults, I love thee still--
  My country! and, while yet a nook is left
    Where English minds and manners may be found,
      Shall be constrained to love thee.
      - William Cowper, Task (bk. II, l. 206)

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