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Men love little and often, women much and rarely. - Giorgio Basta The irresolute man flecks from one egg to another, so hatches nothing. - Owen Felltham (Feltham) Stand firm, don't flutter! - Benjamin Franklin Change amuses the mind, but rarely profits. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe To be longing for this thing to-day and for that thing to-morrow; to change likings for loathings, and to stand wishing and hankering at a venture--how is it possible for any man to be at rest in this fluctuant, wandering humor and opinion? - Sir Roger L'Estrange It carries too great an imputation of ignorance, lightness or folly for men to quit and renounce their former tenets presently upon the offer of an argument which they cannot immediately answer. - John Locke (1) Woman is a miracle of divine contradictions. - Jules Michelet Papillia, wedded to her amorous spark, Sighs for the shades--"How charming is a park?" A park is purchas'd, but the fair he sees All bath'd in tears--"O odious, odious trees!" - Alexander Pope Fickleness has always befriended the beautiful. - Sextus Aurelius Propertius It is plain there is not in nature a point of stability to be found; everything either ascends or declines; when wars are ended abroad, sedition begins at home; and when men are freed from fighting for necessity, they quarrel through ambition. - Sir Walter Raleigh (1) There is in all of us an impediment to perfect happiness; namely, weariness of the things which we possess, and a desire for the things which we have not. - Madame de Chateauneuf Rieiux (Renee de Rieux)(called "La Belle") It will be found that they are the weakest winded and the hardest hearted men that most love change. - John Ruskin The hearts of all his people shall revolt from him, and kiss the lips of unacquainted change. - William Shakespeare We are all of us, in this world, more or less like St. January, whom the inhabitants of Naples worship one day, and pelt with baked apples the next. - Madame Anne Sophie Swetchine (Soimonoff) Oh! the tender ties, Close twisted with the fibres of the heart! Which broken, break them, and drain off the soul Of human joy, and make it pain to live. - Edward Young
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