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[ Also see Bravery Courage Cowardice Endurance Firmness Heroes Patience Resignation Resolution Soldiers Strength Valor ]

Fortitude is the marshal of thought, the armor of the will, and the fort of reason.
      - Francis Bacon

We men are but poor, weak souls, after all; women beat us out and out in fortitude.
      - Charles Buxton

Existence may be borne, and the deep root
  Of life and sufferance make its firm abode
    In bare and desolate bosoms: mute
      The camel labors with the heaviest load,
        And the wolf dies in silence: Not bestow'd
          In vain should such examples be; if they,
            Things of ignoble or of savage mood,
              Endure and shrink not, we of nobler clay
                May temper it to bear--it is but for a day.
      - Lord Byron (George Gordon Noel Byron)

My sole resources in the path I trod,
  Were these--my bark--my sword--my love--my God.
    The last I left in youth--He leaves me now--
      And man but works His will to lay me low.
        I have no thought to mock His throne with prayer,
          Wrung from the coward crouching of despair;
            It is enough--I breathe--and I can bear.
      - Lord Byron (George Gordon Noel Byron)

The greatest man is he who chooses the Right with invincible resolution, who resists the sorest temptations from within and without, who bears the heaviest burdens cheerfully, who is calmest in storms and most fearless under menace and frowns, whose reliance on truth, on virtue, on God, is most unfaltering; and is this a greatness which is apt to make a show, or which is most likely to abound in conspicuous station? . . . I believe this greatness to be most common among the multitude, whose names are never heard.
      - William Ellery Channing

Every man should bear his own grievances rather than detract from the comforts of another.
      - Cicero (Marcus Tullius Cicero) (often called "Tully" for short)

Fortitude implies a firmness and strength of mind, that enables us to do and suffer as we ought. It rises upon an opposition, and, like a river, swells the higher for having its course stopped.
      - Jeremy Collier

A Christian builds his fortitude on a better foundation than stoicism; he is pleased with everything that happens, because he knows it could not happen unless it first pleased God, and that which pleases Him must be best.
      - Charles Caleb Colton

'Tis easiest dealing with the firmest mind--
  More just when it resists, and, when it yields, more kind.
      - George Crabbe

The fortitude of a Christian consists in patience, not in enterprises which the poets call heroic, and which are commonly the effects of interest, pride and worldly honor.
      - John Dryden

White men should exhibit the same insensibility to moral tortures that red men do to physical torments.
      - Pierre Jules Theophile Gautier

Where true fortitude dwells, loyalty, bounty, friendship and fidelity may be found.
      - John Gay

Bear your burden manfully. Boys at school, young men who have exchanged boyish liberty for serious business--all who have got a task to do, a work to finish--bear the burden till God gives the signal for repose--till the work is done, and the holiday is fairly earned.
      - James Hamilton

Every man must bear his own burden, and it is a fine thing to see any one trying to do it manfully; carrying his cross bravely, silently, patiently, and in a way which makes you hope that be has taken for his pattern the greatest of all sufferers.
      - James Hamilton

Gird your hearts with silent fortitude,
  Suffering, yet hoping all things.
      - Mrs. Felicia D. Hemans

-----There is a strength
  Deep-bedded in our hearts, of which we reck
    But little, till the shafts of heaven have pierced
      Its fragile dwelling. Must not earth be rent
        Before her gems are found?
      - Mrs. Felicia D. Hemans

Fortitude is the guard and support of the other virtues.
      - John Locke (1)

True fortitude I take to be the quiet possession of a man's self, and an undisturbed doing his duty, whatever evil besets or danger lies in his way.
      - John Locke (1)

Learn to labor and to wait.
      - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Providence has clearly ordained that the only path fit and salutary for man on earth is the path of persevering fortitude--the unremitting struggle of deliberate self-preparation and humble but active reliance on divine aid.
      - Elias L. Magoon

The vulgar refuse or crouch beneath their load; the brave bear theirs without repining.
      - David Mallet (originally Malloch)

He who weighs his burdens, can bear them.
      - Martial (Marcus Valerius Martialis)

It is true fortitude to stand firm against
  All shocks of fate, when cowards faint and die
    In fear to suffer more calamity.
      - Philip Massinger

Fortitude is a great help in distress.
      - Plautus (Titus Maccius Plautus)

Be not cast down. If ye saw Him who is standing on the shore, holding out His arms to welcome you to land, ye would wade, not only through a sea of wrongs, but through hell itself to be with Him.
      - Samuel Rutherford

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