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[ Also see Blessedness Churches Faith God Grace Happiness Piety Purity Religion Reverence Saints Sin Virtue Worship ]

It must be a prospect pleasing to God Himself to see His creation forever beautifying in His eyes, and drawing nearer Him by greater degrees of resemblance.
      - Joseph Addison

Holiness consists of three things--separation from sin, dedication to God, transformation into Christ's image. It is in vain that we talk about the last, unless we know something experimentally about the first.
      - James H. Aughey

Remember that holiness is not the way to Christ, but Christ is the way to holiness.
      - James H. Aughey

The most holy men are always the most humble men; none so humble on earth as those that live highest in heaven.
      - James H. Aughey

Might make a saintship of an anchorite.
      - Lord Byron (George Gordon Noel Byron),
        Childe Harold (canto I, st. 11)

Where'er we tread 'tis haunted, holy ground.
      - Lord Byron (George Gordon Noel Byron),
        Childe Harold (canto II, st. 88)

Christ came to give us a justifying righteousness, and He also came to make us holy--not chiefly for the purpose of evidencing here our possession of a justifying righteousness--but for the purpose of forming and fitting us for a blessed eternity.
      - Thomas Chalmers

If it be the characteristic of a worldly man that he desecrates what is holy, it should be of the Christian to consecrate what is secular, and to recognize a present and presiding divinity in all things.
      - Thomas Chalmers

What Christianity in her antagonism with every form of unbelief most needs is holy living.
      - Theodor Christlieb

Holiness is an unselfing of ourselves.
      - Rev. Frederick William Faber

The narrow way, the way of holiness, not only leads to life, but it is life. Walking there, serene are our days, peaceful our nights, happy--high above the disorders and miseries of a wretched world--shall be our hourly communion with God; happy--full of assurance of calm and sacred triumph, shall be our dying hour.
      - Richard Fuller (1)

The symmetry of the soul.
      - Philip Henry

It is of things heavenly and universal declaration, working in them whose hearts God inspireth with the due consideration thereof, and habit or disposition of mind whereby they are made fit vessels both for the receipt and delivery of whatsoever spiritual perfection.
      - Richard Hooker

Holiness is religious principle put into motion. It is the love of God sent forth into circulation, on the feet, and with the hands of love to men. It is faith gone to work. It is charity coined into actions, and devotion breathing benedictions on human suffering, while it goes up in intercession to the Father of all piety.
      - Frederic Dan Huntington

Holiness is happiness; and the more you have of the former, the more you will undoubtedly enjoy of the latter.
      - John Angell James

The inquirer after holiness should associate with those whose intelligence will instruct him; whose example will guide him; whose conversation will inspire him; whose cautions will warn him.
      - John Angell James

Blessed is the memory of those who have kept themselves unspotted from the world. Yet more blessed and more dear the memory of those who have kept themselves unspotted in the world.
      - Mrs. Anna Brownell Jameson

If it be heaven toward which we journey, it will be holiness in which we delight; for if we cannot now rejoice in having God for our portion, where is our meetness for a world in which God is to be all in all forever and forever?
      - Henry Melvill

God attributes to place
  No sanctity, if none be thither brought
    By men who there frequent.
      - John Milton, Paradise Lost
         (bk. XI, l. 836)

Whoso lives the holiest life
  Is fittest far to die.
      - Margaret Junkin Preston, Ready

Everything holy is before what is unholy; guilt presupposes innocence, not the reverse; angels, but not fallen ones, were created. Hence man does not properly rise to the highest, but first sinks gradually down from it, and then afterwards rises again; a child can never be considered too innocent and good.
      - Jean Paul Friedrich Richter (Johann Paul Richter) (used ps. Jean Paul)

But all his mind is bent to holiness,
  To number Ave-Maries on his beads;
    His champions are the prophets and apostles,
      His weapons only saws of sacred writ,
        His study is his tilt-yard, and his loves
          Are brazen images of canonized saints.
      - William Shakespeare

I tell thee, Pole, when in the city Tours
  Thou ran'st a-tilt in honor of my love
    And stol'st away the ladies' hearts of France,
      I thought King Henry had resembled thee
        In courage, courtship, and proportion;
          But all his mind is bent to holiness,
            To number Ave-Maries on his beads;
              His champions are the prophets and apostles,
                His weapons holy saws of sacred writ;
                  His study is his tiltyard, and his loves
                    Are brazen images of canonized saints.
      - William Shakespeare,
        King Henry the Sixth, Part II
         (Margaret, Queen to King Henry at I, iii)

He who the sword of heaven will bear
  Should be as holy as severe;
    Pattern in himself to know,
      Grace to stand, and virtue go;
        More nor less to others paying
          Than by self-offenses weighing.
            Shame to him whose cruel striking
              Kills for faults of his own liking.
      - William Shakespeare, Measure for Measure
         (Vincentio, the Duke at III, ii)

Our holy lives must win a new world's crown,
  Which our profane hours here have thrown down.
      - William Shakespeare,
        The Tragedy of King Richard the Second
         (King Richard at V, i)

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