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'Tis aye a solemn thing to me To look upon a babe that sleeps-- Wearing in its spirit-deeps The unrevealed mystery Of its Adam's taint and woe, Which, when they revealed lie, Will not let it slumber so. - Elizabeth Barrett Browning A young star, who shone O'er life, too sweet an image for such gloss, A lovely being scarcely form'd or moulded, A rose with all its sweetest leaves yet folded. - Lord Byron (George Gordon Noel Byron) Joy thou bring'st, but mix'd with trembling; Anxious hopes and tender fears, Pleasing hopes and mingled sorrows, Smiles of transport dashed with tears. - Joseph Cottle The hour arrives, the moment wish'd and fear'd, The child is born by many a pang endear'd And now the mother's ear has caught his cry; O grant the cherub to her asking eye! He comes--she clasps him. To her bosom press'd He drinks the balm of life, and drops to rest. - Samuel Rogers
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