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By her who in this month is born, No gems save Garnets should be worn; They will insure her constancy, True friendship and fidelity. - Unattributed Author, January, in "Notes and Queries", May 11, 1889, p. 371 Pale January lay In its cradle day by day Dead or living, hard to say. - Alfred Austin, Primroses January brings the snow, Makes our feet and fingers glow. - Sara Coleridge, Pretty Lessons in Verse Janus was invoked at the commencement of most actions; even in the worship of the other gods the votary began by offering wine and incense to Janus. The first month in the year was named from him; and under the title of Matutinus he was regarded as the opener of the day. Hence he had charge of the gates of Heaven, and hence, too, all gates, Januoe, were called after him, and supposed to be under his care. Hence, perhaps, it was, that he was represented with a staff and key, and that he was named the Opener (Patulcius), and the Shutter (Clusius). - Mary Ann Dwight, Grecian and Roman Mythology--Janus For it ne sits not unto fresh May Forto be coupled to cold January. - John Lydgate, Temple of Glas, (c. 1400) A warm January; a cold May. - Proverb, (Welsh) Come, ye cold winds, at January's call, On whistling wings, and with white flakes bestrew The earth. - John Ruskin You'ld be so lean that blasts of January Would blow you through and through. - William Shakespeare, The Winter's Tale (Perdita at IV, iv)
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