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The glowing Ruby should adorn Those who in warm July are born, Then will they be exempt and free From love's doubt and anxiety. - Unattributed Author, July, in "Notes and Queries", May 11, 1889, p. 371 The linden, in the fervors of July, Hums with a louder concert. When the wind Sweeps the broad forest in its summer prime, As when some master-hand exulting sweeps The keys of some great organ, ye give forth The music of the woodland depths, a hymn Of gladness and of thanks. - William Cullen Bryant, Among the Trees (l. 62) Loud is the summer's busy song The smallest breeze can find a tongue, While insects of each tiny size Grow teasing with their melodies, Till noon burns with its blistering breath Around, and day lies still as death. - John Clare, July Hot July brings cooling showers, Apricots and gillyflowers. - Sara Coleridge, Pretty Lessons in Verse If the first of July be rainy weather, It will rain, more of less, for four weeks together. - John Ray (Wray), English Proverbs The Summer looks out from her brazen tower, Through the flashing bars of July. - Francis Thompson, A Corymbus for Autumn (st. 3)
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