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[ Also see Affection Courtship Gallantry Love Parting Women Wooing ]

Blush, happy maiden, when you feel
  The lips which press love's glowing seal;
    But as the slow years darklier roll,
      Grown wiser, the experienced soul
        Will own as dearer far than they
          The lips which kiss the tears away.
      - Elizabeth Akers Allen ("Florence Percy"),

But is there nothing else,
  That we may do but only walk? Methinks
    Brothers and sisters lawfully may kiss.
      - Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher,
        A King and No King (act IV, sc. 4)

Kiss till the cows come home.
      - Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher,
        Scornful Lady (act II, sc. 2)

A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.
      - Ingrid Bergman

Jenny, she's aw weet, peer body,
  Jenny's like to cry;
    For she hes weet her petticoats
      In gangin' thro' the rye,
        Peer body.
      - Miss Susanna Blamire and Miss Catherine Gilpin,
        said to be their joint production, before 1794

Remember the Viper:--'twas close at your feet,
  How you started and threw yourself into my arms;
    Not a strawberry there was so ripe nor so sweet
      As the lips which I kiss'd to subdue your alarms.
      - Robert Bloomfield, Nancy (st. 4)

Four sweet lips, two pure souls, and one undying affection,--these are love's pretty ingredients for a kiss.
      - Christian Nestell Bovee

It is the passion that is in a kiss that gives to it its sweetness; it is the affection in a kiss that sanctifies it.
      - Christian Nestell Bovee

* * * * * And when my lips meet thine
  Thy very soul is wedded unto mine.
      - Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen

. . . And when my lips meet thine
  Thy very soul is wedded unto mine.
      - Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen,
        Thy Gracious Face I Greet with Glad Surprise

A kiss makes the heart young again and wipes out the years.
      - Rupert Brooke

Thy lips which spake wrong counsel, I kiss close.
      - Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Drama of Exile
         (sc. Farther on, etc., l. 992)

I was betrothed that day;
  I wore a troth kiss on my lips I could not give away.
      - Elizabeth Barrett Browning,
        Lay of the Brown Rosary (pt. II)

First time he kiss'd me, he but only kiss'd
  The fingers of this hand wherewith I write;
    And ever since it grew more clean and white.
      - Elizabeth Barrett Browning,
        Sonnets from the Portuguese
         (sonnet XXXVIII)

Something made of nothing, tasting very sweet,
  A most delicious compound, with ingredients complete;
    But if as on occasion the heart and mind are sour,
      It has no great significance, it loses half its power.
      - Mary E. Buell, The Kiss

My lips pressed themselves involuntarily to hers--a long, long kiss, burning intense--concentrating emotion, heart, soul, all the rays of life's light, into a single focus.
      - William Henry Lytton Earle Bulwer, Sir Henry Bulwer

Comin' through the rye, poor body,
  Comin' through the rye,
    She draigl't a' her petticoatie,
      Comin' through the rye
        . . . .
          Gin a body meet a body
            Comin' through the rye,
              Gin a body kiss a body
                Need a body cry?
      - Robert Burns, The Bob-tailed Lass,
        taken from an old song

You would think, if our lips were made of horn and stuck out a foot or two from our faces, kisses at any rate would be done for. Not so. No creatures kiss each other so much as the birds.
      - Charles Buxton

Eden revives in the first kiss of love.
      - Lord Byron (George Gordon Noel Byron)

"Kiss" rhymes to "bliss" in fact, as well as verse.
      - Lord Byron (George Gordon Noel Byron)

Sweetest memorial, the first kiss of love.
      - Lord Byron (George Gordon Noel Byron)

A long, long kiss, a kiss of youth, and love.
      - Lord Byron (George Gordon Noel Byron),
        Don Juan (canto II, st. 186)

Come, lay thy head upon my breast,
  And I will kiss thee into rest.
      - Lord Byron (George Gordon Noel Byron),
        The Bride of Abydos (canto I, st. 11)

When age chills the blood, when our pleasures are past--
  For years fleet away with the wings of the dove--
    The dearest remembrance will still be the last,
      Our sweetest memorial the first kiss of love.
      - Lord Byron (George Gordon Noel Byron),
        The First Kill of Love (st. 7)

Kisses kept are wasted;
  Love is to be tasted.
    There are some you love, I know;
      Be not loath to tell them so.
        Lips go dry and eyes grow wet
          Waiting to be warmly met,
            Keep them not in waiting yet;
              Kisses kept are wasted.
      - Edmund Vance Cooke, Kisses Kept Are Wasted

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