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Mankind have a great aversion to intellectual labor; but even supposing knowledge to be easily attainable, more people would be content to be ignorant than would take even a little trouble to acquire it. - Samuel Johnson (a/k/a Dr. Johnson) ("The Great Cham of Literature") Nothing has more retarded the advancement of learning than the disposition of vulgar minds to ridicule and vilify what they cannot comprehend. - Samuel Johnson (a/k/a Dr. Johnson) ("The Great Cham of Literature") Deign on the passing world to turn thine eyes And pause awhile from Learning to be wise; Yet think what ills the scholar's life assail, Toil, envy, want, the patron, and the goal. See nations, slowly wise and meanly just, To buried merit raise the tardy bust. - Samuel Johnson (a/k/a Dr. Johnson) ("The Great Cham of Literature"), Vanity of Human Wishes (l. 157) To buried merit rise the tardy bust. - Samuel Johnson (a/k/a Dr. Johnson) ("The Great Cham of Literature"), Vanity of Human Wishes (l. 157) All wish to be learned, but no one is willing to pay the price. [Lat., Nosse velint omnes, mercedem solvere nemo.] - Juvenal (Decimus Junius Juvenal), Satires (VII, 157) Do not learn more than you absolutely need to get through life. - Karl Kraus Abandon learning and there will be no sorrow. - Lao-Tzu (Lao-Tsze or Laosi)("The Venerable Philosopher") Some people are so busy in learning the tricks of the trade that they never learn the trade. - Vernon Law When you're through learning, you're through. - Vernon Law The Lord of Learning who upraised mankind From being silent brutes to singing men. - Charles Godfrey Leland, The Music-lesson of Confucius What matters most is that we learn from living. - Doris Lessing The great art to learn much is to undertake a little at a time. - John Locke (1) Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from books. - Sir John Lubbock, Lord Avebury If we succeed in giving the love of learning, the learning itself is sure to follow. - Sir John Lubbock, Lord Avebury Thou art an heyre to fayre lying, that is nothing, if thou be disinherited of learning, for better were it to thee to inherite righteousnesse then riches, and far more seemly were if for thee to haue thy Studie full of bookes, then thy pursse full of mony. - John Lyly (Lylie or Lyllie), Euphues--Letters to a Young Gentleman in Naples Named Alcius He [Steele] was a rake among scholars, and a scholar among rakes. - Thomas Babington Macaulay, Review of Aikin's Life of Addison He [Temple] was a man of the world among men of letters, a man of letters among men of the world. - Thomas Babington Macaulay, Review of Life and Writings of Sir William Temple Learning too soon our limitations, we never learn our powers. - Mignon McLaughlin The least of the work of learning is done in the classroom. - Thomas Merton The pupil who is never required to do what he cannot do, never does what he can do. - John Stuart Mill The end of learning is to know God, and out of that knowledge to love Him, and to imitate Him, by possessing our souls of true virtue. - John Milton Learning is not to be tacked to the mind, but we must fuse and blend them together, not merely giving the mind a slight tincture, but a thorough and perfect dye. And if we perceive no evident change and improvement, it would be better to leave it alone; learning is a dangerous weapon, and apt to wound its master if it be wielded by a feeble hand, and by one not well acquainted with its use. - Michel Eyquem de Montaigne Many persons, after they become learned cease to be good; all other knowledge is hurtful to him who has not the science of honesty and good nature. - Michel Eyquem de Montaigne Not merely giving the mind a slight tincture but a thorough and perfect dye. [Fr., Il ne l'en fault pas arrouser, il l'en fault teindre.] - Michel Eyquem de Montaigne Either learn, or depart; a third course is open to you, and that is, submit to be flogged. [Lat., Aut disce, aut discede; manet sors tertia, caedi.] - Motto, of the Schoolroom, Winchester College Displaying page 4 of 7 for this topic: << Prev Next >> 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 7
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