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It is not well for a man to pray, cream; and live skim milk. - Henry Ward Beecher You live eighty years, and at best you get about six minutes of pure magic. - George Carlin To live is so startling it leaves little time for anything else. - Emily Dickinson We are always getting ready to live, but never living. - Ralph Waldo Emerson We cannot live pleasantly without living wisely and nobly and righteously. - Epicurus Live as you would have wished to live when you are dying. - Christian Furchtegott Gellert Live life to the fullest. - Ernest Hemingway Only one person in a thousand knows the trick of really living in the present. - (Margaret) Storm Jameson You don't even live once. - Karl Kraus Live your life and forget your age. - Norman Vincent Peale Man enjoys living on the edge of his dreams and neglects the real things of the world which are so beautiful. The ignorant and indifferent destroy beautiful things merely by looking at the marble. Things that remake the soul of him who understands them. - Auguste Rodin You'll be old and you never lived, and you kind of feel silly to lie down and die and to never have lived, to have been a job chaser and never have lived. - Gertrude Stein Live each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each. - Henry David Thoreau Live your life, do your work, then take your hat. - Henry David Thoreau We live but a fraction of our lives. - Henry David Thoreau Keep breathing. - Sophie Tucker (f/k/a Sophie Abuza) If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space. - Unknown I am here to live out loud. - Emile Zola
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