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Where drooping lotos-flowers, distilling balm, Dream by the drowsy streamlets sleep hath crown'd, While Care forgets to sigh, and Peace hath balsamed Pain. - Paul Hamilton Hayne, Sonnet--Pent in the Common Sphere The lotus flower is troubled At the sun's resplendent light; With sunken head and sadly She dreamily waits for the night. - Heinrich Heine, Book of Songs--Lyrical Interlude (no. 10) Lotos, the name; divine, nectareous juice! - Homer ("Smyrns of Chios"), The Odyssey (bk. IX, l. 106), (Pope's translation) Stone lotus cups, with petals dipped in sand. - Jean Ingelow, Gladys and her Island (l. 460) Oh! what are the brightest that e'er have blown To the lote-tree, springing by Alla's throne, Whose flowers have a soul in every leaf. - Thomas Moore, Lalla Rookh--Paradise and the Peri They wove the lotus band to deck And fan with pensile wreath their neck. - Thomas Moore, Odes of Anacreon (ode LXX) A spring there is, whose silver waters show Clear as a glass the shining sands below: A flowering lotos spreads its arms above, Shades all the banks, and seems itself a grove. - Alexander Pope, Sappho to Phaon (l. 177) The lotos bowed above the tide and dreamed. - Margaret Junkin Preston, Rhodope's Sandal The Lotos blooms below the barren peak: The Lotos blooms by every winding creek: All day the wind breathes low with mellower tone: Thro' every hollow cave and alley lone, Round and round the spicy downs the yellow Lotos-dust is blown. - Lord Alfred Tennyson, The Lotos-Eaters--Choric Song (st. 8) In that dusk land of mystic dream Where dark Osiris sprung, It bloomed beside his sacred stream While yet the world was young; And every secret Nature told, Of golden wisdom's power, Is nestled still in every fold, Within the Lotos flower. - William Winter, A Lotos Flower
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