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Never marry but for love; but see that thou lovest what is lovely. - William Penn Marriage is about the most expensive way for the average man to get laundry done. - Burt Reynolds A good marriage is that in which each appoints the other guardian of his solitude. - Rainer Marie Rilke It doesn't much signify whom one marries, for one is sure to find next morning that it was someone else. - Samuel Rogers A married couple are well suited when both partners usually feel the need for a quarrel at the same time. - Jean Rostand A husband is what is left of the lover after the nerve has been extracted. - Helen Rowland Marriage is the miracle that transforms a kiss from a pleasure into a duty. - Helen Rowland The honeymoon is not actually over until we cease to stifle our yawns. - Helen Rowland A light wife doth make a heavy husband. - William Shakespeare As a walled town is more worthier than a village, so is the forehead of a married man more honorable than the bare brow of a bachelor. - William Shakespeare Get married, but never to a man who is home all day. - George Bernard Shaw It is most unwise for people in love to marry. - George Bernard Shaw What God hath joined together no man shall put asunder; God will take care of that. - George Bernard Shaw, Getting Married Those who talk most about the blessings of marriage and the constancy of its vows are the very people who declare that if the chain were broken and the prisoners were left free to choose, the whole social fabric would fly asunder. You can't have the argument both ways. If the prisoner is happy, why lock him in? If he is not, why pretend that he is? - George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman Marriage is popular because it combines the maximum of temptation with the maximum of opportunity. - George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman--Maxims for Revolutionists As to marriage or celibacy, let a man take which he will, he is sure to repent. - Socrates Call no man unhappy until he is married. - Socrates My advice to you is get married: if you find a good wife you'll be happy; if not, you'll become a philosopher. - Socrates A man may be cheerful and contented in celibacy, but I do not think he can ever be happy; it is an unnatural state, and the best feelings of his nature are never called into action. - Robert Southey I would say that the surest measure of a man's or a woman's maturity is the harmony, style, joy, and dignity he creates in his marriage, and the pleasure and inspiration he provides for his spouse. - Benjamin Spock The most unhappy circumstance of all is, when each party is always laying up fuel for dissension, and gathering together a magazine of provocations to exasperate each other with when they are out of humor. - Sir Richard Steele I can't mate in captivity. - Gloria Steinem Women's total instinct for gambling is satisfied by marriage. - Gloria Steinem I've given my memoirs far more thought than any of my marriages. You can't divorce a book. - Gloria Swanson, quoted in the New York "Times" A good wife is heaven's last best gift to man; his angel and minister of graces innumerable; his gem of many virtues; his casket of jewels; her voice his sweet music; her smiles his brightest day; her kiss the guardian of his innocence; her arms the pale of his safety, the balm of his health, the balsam of his life; her industry, his surest wealth; her economy, his safest steward; her lips, his faithful counselors; her bosom, the softest pillow of his cares; and her prayers, the ablest advocates of heaven's blessings on his head. - Jeremy Taylor Displaying page 3 of 4 for this topic: << Prev Next >> 1 2 [3] 4
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