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He is like the fox, who effaces his tracks in the sand with his tail. - Niels H. Abel, about Gauss' mathematical writing style, in "Calculus Gems" by G.F. Simmons [I]t would be better for the true physics if there were no mathematicians on earth. - Daniel Bernoulli, "The Mathematical Intelligencer" (vol. 13, no. 1) A mathematician's reputation rests on the number of bad proofs he has given. - Abram Samoilovitch Besicovitch, "A Mathematician's Miscellany" by J.E. Littlewood I was x years old in the year x^2. - Augustus de Morgan, when asked about his age, "In Mathematical Circles" by H. Eves It is easier to square the circle than to get round a mathematician. - Augustus de Morgan, "In Mathematical Circles" by H. Eves What is this frog and mouse battle among the mathematicians? - Albert Einstein, in "Mathematical Circles Squared" by H. Eves A mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems. - Paul Erdos A mathematician, like a painter or a poet, is a maker of patterns. If his patterns are more permanent than theirs, it is because they are made with ideas. - Godfrey Harold Hardy
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