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I have great hope of a wicked man, slender hope of a mean one. A wicked man may be converted and become a prominent saint. A mean man ought to be converted six or seven times, one right after the other, to give him a fair start and put him on an equality with a bold, wicked man. - Henry Ward Beecher There has never been a man mean and at the same time virtuous. - Confucius The mean man suffers more from his selfishness than he from whom meanness withholds some important benefit. - Ralph Waldo Emerson He is so mean, he won't let his little baby have more than one measle at a time. - Eugene Field There are some things I am afraid of: I am afraid to do a mean thing. - James Abram Garfield We can easily forgive want of means; but littleness, with means, is disgusting. - Madame Anne Therese de Lambert There is something in meanness which excites a species of resentment that never subsides, and something in cruelty which stirs up the heart to the highest agony of human hatred. - Thomas Paine Mean spirits under disappointment, like small beer in a thunderstorm, always turn sour. - John Randolph of Roanoke When you give a lesson in meanness to a critter or a person, don't be surprised if they learn their lesson. - Will Rogers I have so great a contempt and detestation for meanness, that I could sooner make a friend of one who had committed murder, than of a person who could be capable, in any instance, of the former vice. Under meanness, I comprehend dishonesty; under dishonesty, ingratitude; under ingratitude, irreligion; and under this latter, every species of vice and immorality in human nature. - Laurence Sterne A nation cannot afford to do a mean thing. - Charles Sumner About the meanest thing you can say about a man is that he means well. - Harry S. Truman
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