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Eternal nothingness is fine if you happen to be dressed for it. - Woody Allen Nothing happens until something moves. - Albert Einstein Why and Wherefore set out one day, To hunt for a wild Negation. They agreed to meet at a cool retreat On the Point of Interrogation. - Oliver Herford, Metaphysics Nothing to do but work, Nothing to eat but food, Nothing to wear out but clothes, To keep one from going nude. - Benjamin Franklin King, Jr., The Pessimist Believing nothing does whilst there remained anything else to be done. [Lat., Nil actum credens, dum quid superesset agendum.] - Lucanus (Marcus Annaeus Lucan), Pharsalia (bk. II, 657) Therefore there is not anything which returns to nothing, but all things return dissolved into their elements. [Lat., Haud igitur redit ad Nihilum res ulla, sed omnes Discidio redeunt in corpora materiai.] - Lucretius (Titus Lucretius Carus), De Rerum Natura (bk. I, 250) We cannot conceive of matter being formed of nothing, since things require a seed to start from. [Lat., Nil igitur fieri de nilo posse putandum es Semine quando opus est rebus.] - Lucretius (Titus Lucretius Carus), De Rerum Natura (bk. I, l. 206) Nothing proceeds from nothingness, as also nothing passes away into non-existence. - Marcus Aurelius (Marcus Aurelius Antoninus), Meditations (IV, 4) Nothing's new, and nothing's true, and nothing matters. - attributed to Lady Sydney Morgan It is the silence between the notes that makes the music; it is the space between the bars that holds the tiger. - Old Saying, an old Zen saying appearing in "Jacob the Baker" by Noah benShea Nothing can be born of nothing, nothing can be resolved into nothing. [Lat., Gigni De nihilo nihil, in nihilum nil posse reverti.] - Persius (Aulus Persius Flaccus), Satires (I, 111, 83) Out of breath to no purpose, in doing much doing nothing. A race (of busybodies) hurtful to itself and most hateful to all others. [Lat., Gratis anhelans, multa agendo nihil agens. Sibi molesta, et aliis odiosissima.] - Phaedrus (Thrace of Macedonia), Fables (bk. II, 5, 3) It is, no doubt, an immense advantage to have done nothing, but one should not abuse it. - Antoine de Rivarol, Comte de Rivarol, Petit Almanach de nos Grands Hommes (preface) They laboriously do nothing. [Lat., Operose nihil agunt.] - Seneca (Lucius Annaeus Seneca), De Brevitate Vitoe (bk. I, 13) Madam, you have bereft me of all words. Only my blood speaks to you in my veins, And there is such confusion in my powers As, after some oration fairly spoke By a beloved prince, there doth appear Among the buzzing pleased multitude, Where every something being blent together Turns to a wild of nothing, save of joy Expressed and not expressed. - William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice (Bassanio at III, ii) It is better to have a little than nothing. - Syrus (Publilius Syrus), Maxims A life of nothing's nothing worth, From that first nothing ere his birth, To that last nothing under earth. - Lord Alfred Tennyson, Two Voices Nothing, thou elder brother e'en to shade. - John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Rochester, Poem on Nothing Nothing was ever done so systematically as nothing is being done now. - Thomas Woodrow Wilson
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