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I shall despair. There is no creature loves me; And if I die, no should will pity me. And, wherefore should they, since that I myself Find in myself no pity to myself? - William Shakespeare, The Tragedy of King Richard the Third (King Richard at V, iii) The unfortunate do not pity the unfortunate. - Henry Wheeler Shaw (used pseudonyms Josh Billings and Uncle Esek) Soft pity never leaves the gentle breast Where love has been received a welcome guest. - Richard Brinsley Sheridan, The Duenna (act II) Pity is akin to love. - Thomas Southerne (Southern) Pity's akin to love; and every thought Of that soft kind is welcome to my soul. - Thomas Southerne (Southern), Oroonoko (act II, sc. 2, l. 64) There are two sorts of pity: one is a balm and the other a poison; the first is realized by our friends, the last by our enemies. - Charles Sumner Pity and forbearance, and long-sufferance and fair interpretation, and excusing our brother, and taking in the best sense, and passing the gentlest sentence, are as certainly our duty, and owing to every person that does offend and can repent, as calling to account can be owing to the law, and are first to be paid; and he that does not so is an unjust person. - Jeremy Taylor Almost all women have hearts full of pity. - William Makepeace Thackeray The world is full of love and pity. Had there been less suffering, there would have been less kindness. - William Makepeace Thackeray O, brother man! fold to thy heart thy brother, where pity dwells, the peace of God is there. - John Greenleaf Whittier Pity, the tenderest part of love. - Thomas Yalden Pity swells the tide of love. - Edward Young Displaying page 3 of 3 for this topic: << Prev 1 2 [3]
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